After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 41 Refusing to Apologize

Chapter 41 Refusing to Apologize
The angrily said: "I just came over with the clothes I prepared, but she knocked them over. These clothes are all for today's shooting, and now they are all dirty by her. What do you think should I do?"

The man was also stunned for a while, apparently not expecting such a thing to happen.

It just rained last night, and the ground near the film and television city is muddy.

I saw that pile of clothes fell on the ground, soaked in sewage, it was already too dirty to wear.

He frowned.

Turning to look at Yun Qinian.

"Why are you so careless? Why don't you apologize quickly?"

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows.

He glanced at the man's badge.

I saw it said, site coordinator.


It turned out to be an official.

No wonder such a big official airs.

Yun Qinian actually didn't bump into each other.

On the contrary, when she was walking on the road, the other party rushed over recklessly and bumped into her.

This caused the clothes to spill all over the floor.

But at first, she didn't care too much about it.

Seeing that the other party dropped something, I subconsciously wanted to say sorry and let the matter go.

But now it seems that the other party obviously doesn't want to just let it go.

I'm afraid this knock-over incident was not accidental, but carefully planned.

She crossed her arms and said with a sneer, "You said I knocked over your things, is there any proof?"

The man was stunned for a while.

"What evidence do you need? It's obvious that you ran over and bumped into me, and everyone is watching! Do you still want to deny it?"

As he spoke, he called the people around him to come and comment.

When everyone saw that it was Yun Qinian, they all had contemptuous expressions on their faces.

"You hit someone and didn't make you pay, so it's okay to apologize, right?"

"That's right, I really think I'm great just because I acted as the heroine? Wasn't she just an ordinary rookie before the show aired?"

"It's not popular yet, but the airs are quite high. Those who know it is a little transparent with an unknown name, but those who don't know it think it is some first-line star."

"Hahahaha, just her? A-list star? Stop teasing me, okay?"

"Speaking of which, she still has a pretty good face, and it's not impossible to become popular."

"Of course you have a good face, otherwise you wouldn't be able to climb into Director Lin's bed, right?"

When this sentence was said, several girls winked.

There is quite a tacit taste.

Yun Qinian was a little confused.

She crawled on Lin Senwei's bed?
Did you make a mistake!
Just because she played the heroine of "The Pianist", it is said that she crawled on Lin Senwei's bed?
At this moment, Yun Qianyu who heard the news came over.

"What happened?"

Yun Qianyu showed a dazed and ignorant expression.

Because she entered the circle earlier than Yun Qinian, some people in the circle knew her.

Several onlookers immediately told her what had just happened.

Yun Qianyu frowned when he heard that.

She walked up to Yun Qinian and said in a low voice: "Niannian, this is your fault. How can you not apologize when you hit someone? Although they are just ordinary staff, you are the heroine of the plot, but Putting these aside, we are all equal people, and there is still a minimum of respect."

Her words sounded like she was earnestly persuading Yun Qinian.

But in fact, all the faults were pinned on Yun Qinian.

At the same time, I also gave everyone a feeling that Yun Qinian made a mistake, but refused to admit it.

He also used his heroine status to suppress people's illusions.

Yun Qinian sneered inwardly.

In the previous life, probably this was how he was compared step by step by Yun Qianyu.

In everyone's mind, he is unruly and self-willed, making trouble for no reason.

On the contrary, Yun Qianyu was generous and understanding.

Yun Qianyu thought that she could still use this method to deal with Yun Qinian now.

As everyone knows, the current Yun Qinian is no longer the previous Yun Qinian.

Yun Qinian sneered and said, "Oh? You also think I hit him?"

Yun Qianyu showed an anxious expression.

"Nian Nian, don't be stubborn, everyone is watching who is right and who is wrong! People can't wrong you for nothing, can they?"

"If I say, he wronged me? Do you believe it?"


Yun Qianyu frowned.

Although she really wanted Yun Qinian to show her stubborn and unreasonable side in front of everyone.

But he didn't want to include himself in it.

No matter at this time, she believed it or not.

In the end, it was all bad.

Therefore, she simply sighed and said, "Forget it, if you really think you are right, then you are right."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to the staff member: "I'm really sorry, Nian Nian is still young and ignorant, I'm her sister, can I apologize to you on her behalf?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar all around.

"What? Are they sisters?"

"One is called Yun Qianyu and the other is called Yun Qinian. They are both surnamed Yun. They are really sisters."

"You guys don't know yet. I heard that Su Luo's role was originally supposed to be Yun Qianyu's. The role was settled, but then it was changed to Yun Qinian for some reason. Yun Qianyu only played the third female role. No."

"Really? This...two sisters are fighting for a role."

"The modern version of palace scheming, it's really scary."

"I think Yun Qianyu treats her very well, but she still steals other people's roles, how shameless she is."

"It's too much!"

Listening to the whispers around her, Yun Qianyu raised the corners of her lips proudly.

But Yun Qinian remained calm.

She interrupted Yun Qianyu and said, "I said it wasn't my fault, but you insist on apologizing to others. What you know is that you are considerate of your sister. What you don't know is that you want to accuse me of killing me!"

As soon as these words came out, the people around were stunned.

After thinking about it carefully, it seems to be true.

If he really cared about Yun Qinian, when the truth of the matter was unknown, no matter what he did, he had to find out the truth first.

Instead of not being able to explain it, I came up to apologize first.

It made everyone subconsciously feel that it was Yun Qinian's fault.

However, those who can think this way are still a minority after all.

Most people, although they didn't see what happened just now with their own eyes, subconsciously felt that Yun Qinian was stubborn and refused to apologize.

Yun Qinian didn't bother to talk to them, so she called Lin Senwei directly.

"Director Lin, have you installed the surveillance cameras on your set?"

Lin Senwei was still dealing with the opening ceremony at the moment, so he was a little surprised when he received her call.

"It's installed, what's the matter?"

"I want to see the surveillance in Area A, is that okay?"

"Okay, I'll ask my assistant to bring it to you right away."

After hanging up the phone, not long after, Lin Senwei's assistant came over with a laptop.

"Miss Yun, here is the surveillance video you want."

He inserted a USB flash drive into the computer, opened the video inside, and showed the picture in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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