Chapter 422 Cynical
Yun Qinian thought it was a little funny.

He directly grabbed Li Xun and asked, "Director Li, what kind of eyes did you look at me just now? Those who didn't know thought you were guilty."

Li Xun smiled awkwardly.

"No, no, I just..."

He paused, not daring to say the rest.

In fact, to be honest, before seeing the effect of Li Keying's change of clothes, he didn't think that his daughter could play the role of Qingyun at all.

Because in his eyes, his daughter will always be an image of a bad girl with smoky makeup and a small leather skirt.

But Qingyun is an elegant woman who respects righteousness, is pure and possesses divinity.

Regardless of the acting skills of the two, the difference in image is too far, there is no comparison at all.

But it wasn't until Li Keying changed back to normal makeup and came out again that he realized how deeply he had misunderstood her for so many years.

It's not that she is unsuitable, it's just that she has always hidden her true self under that cynical surface.

In fact, she had already grown slim and extraordinary before she knew it.

From a personal point of view, Li Xun's mood is very complicated.

On the one hand, he didn't want his daughter to lose, and on the other hand, because Yun Qinian did interpret the role of Qingyun very well.

It can be said that among so many actresses he has seen, only she can interpret the divinity and complexity of this role.

Therefore, while he didn't want Yun Qinian to lose, he also didn't want Li Keying to lose.

My heart naturally entered a dilemma.

How could Yun Qinian not understand what he was thinking?
She smiled slightly and said, "Director Li, don't worry, no matter who wins or loses, everything is based on the truth."

"If Ms. Li can really beat me, it would be a good thing for her to interpret Qingyun, wouldn't it?"

Li Xun was shocked.

She looked at Yun Qinian in disbelief.

He never thought that Yun Qinian could be so generous.

If the actress is changed, halfway through filming, the director's daughter suddenly jumps out to grab her role.

It's a good thing that the actress doesn't die of anger. How could she agree to a fair game and say that it doesn't matter if she loses?
This is to spit out the fat in the mouth, who wants it?

But Yun Qinian didn't seem to care at all.

What he didn't know was that Yun Qinian didn't care, but cared more.

It is impossible for her to lose the role of Qingyun.

Because according to the memory and development path of the previous life, although Li Keying is considered a talented player, he is only better than ordinary people.

Now she has not experienced the ups and downs of her previous life, nor does she have enough understanding of the truth of human nature.

Therefore, even if she can act better than ordinary people, it is impossible for her to beat herself.

And the reason why she agreed to the competition today is because she has seen Li Keying's character.

She is not the kind of person who is completely messing around. As long as she can defeat her and convince her to lose, she will completely admit the fact that she is not good enough. At that time, she can guide her more. On the right track.

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian walked into the studio.

She looked at Li Keying who was preparing next to her, and said, "Director Li is your father, let him be the chief referee, and everyone else here can be the deputy referee. In the end, whoever gets the most votes will win. how?"

(End of this chapter)

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