After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 431 Diligent and Studious

Chapter 431 Diligent and studious
"After all, if you want to explain, now is the best time to explain. If you want to say something after passing this village, no one will believe it."

Li Keying snorted coldly.

"I think you are really old, right? Such a trivial matter is worth your mother-in-law's consideration, so I hesitated for so long."

"Instead of hesitating here, you might as well keep an eye on the set and let them make the show better."

"Don't get slapped in the face when the time comes, and get slapped in the face instead, that will really make people laugh out loud!"

Her words made Li Xun choke, feeling a little dumbfounded for a moment.

It seems that his daughter has really grown up!She was originally a little girl who needed to hide in her father's arms and rely on him to protect her from wind and rain, but now she has the courage to stand alone.

He nodded.

"Okay, I see, now that you've made up your mind, let's do it."

"Work starts at two o'clock in the afternoon, so go get ready."

So, the two of them didn't stay here anymore, they both went down to prepare to go.

In the next period of time, Li Keying really worked very hard at shooting.

Not only did she take part in every fight scene in person, but she would also watch from the side when others were filming, so as to learn from the experience of her predecessors.

The crew and other actors in the crew were shocked when they saw her working so hard.

I wonder if I went to the wrong place and saw a fake Li Keying.

After all, even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you have heard about what the little devil looked like in the circle before.

But looking at her current appearance, how can there be any shadow of being unruly and arrogant?
This is just like a good boy who is diligent and studious!

This matter quickly spread from the crew, and even spread to other crews.

When some directors train new actors who don't work hard, they often use her as an example.

It is said that you look at yourself, and then look at Li Keying.

She is still the daughter of a great director, and she works so hard, why don't you work hard?

All the newcomers and young actors lowered their heads in shame when they heard this.

The so-called God will not disappoint everyone who works hard. Li Keying worked so hard, and the results of the shooting are naturally very good.

He played Qingxue in the play as if he was alive.

So much so that when it was her turn to wrap up, both the crew and other actors were very reluctant.

Someone hugged her, wiped away tears and said, "Ke Ying, we really misunderstood you before, and we have always heard rumors that you are unreasonable and a savage lady."

"We didn't know until we got along that you are such a nice person."

Li Keying was a little embarrassed by their praise.

Secretly slandering in her heart, she really hasn't been wronged.

In the past, she didn't know anything, she only knew how to hate the sky and the air, as if the whole world owed her.

She vented all the dissatisfaction that she had not received at home on others.

But I never thought that other people also have their own difficulties, so why should they accept her resentment unconditionally?

After this shooting, Li Keying has really grown a lot.

Therefore, not only in acting skills, but also in dealing with the world has become excellent.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a reborn.

After saying goodbye to the rest of the crew, she didn't leave in a hurry, but came to Yun Qinian's dressing room.

(End of this chapter)

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