Chapter 438

Ye Yufeng didn't think too much, took Fang Zi over and said, "Okay, I'll let someone catch it."

Seeing this situation, Ye Chengfeng quickly called him to stop.

"Brother, you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Ye Yufeng.

He said indifferently: "The so-called employing people should not be suspicious, and since we have chosen to believe that the person Nian Nian invited is the genius doctor Zhuang Su, we should not doubt anything else."

"I think this prescription might as well give the old man a try. No matter what, let's try it first."

Yun Qinian nodded.

"Just try it. I won't leave today anyway. No matter what happens, I'll take care of it alone."

When Ye Chengfeng heard her say that, he thought she had misunderstood him, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable again.

He quickly comforted: "Nian Nian, I didn't mean that, I didn't want to doubt you..."

Yun Qinian waved her hand.

He said indifferently: "Little uncle, you don't need to say anything, I know what you are thinking."

"At the end of the day, everyone is doing it for grandpa's good. I'm afraid that my child will mess around and ruin grandpa's body."

"But don't worry, I'm [-]% sure this time, there won't be any problems."

Hearing what she said, Ye Chengfeng couldn't say anything more.

But Ye Yufeng didn't have any questions anymore, and directly handed Fangzi to the butler Ober.

"Ober, please send someone to arrest him."

Ober nodded, and soon sent people out to grab the medicine.

Yun Qinian sat in the room and waited quietly.

She has confidence in the prescription she prescribed, and she believes that as long as she catches it according to the prescription and cooks it up for grandpa to eat, he will be fine.

After about half an hour, the medicine came back.

Yun Qinian asked them to decoct the medicine according to their own method.

The three bowls of water were only boiled into half a bowl, and then the old man took it.

After taking the medicine, everyone sat by and waited quietly, feeling extremely nervous.

I'm afraid that if the old man drinks this medicine, not only will it not get better, but it will even worsen.

Fortunately, ten minutes after the old man finished drinking the medicine, he coughed lightly and woke up faintly.

When he woke up, everyone was excited and surrounded him.

It was Yun Qinian who was the first to react, and said to everyone: "Don't all gather together, it will block the air circulation, spread out a little, so that Grandpa can take a good breath."

Everyone reacted.

Hastily left another channel for air flow.

Old man Ye was lying on the bed, weakly looking at the people around him who cared about him.

Asked: "What's the matter with me? What's the matter with you? Why are everyone here?"

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Yun Qinian again.

She asked with concern: "Nian Nian, why are you back? Did you quarrel with Jing Chen again?"

Seeing how much he cared about her, Yun Qinian couldn't bear it any longer, she threw herself into the old man's arms with a sore nose.

She said in a crying voice, "No, I didn't quarrel with him."

The old man smiled and patted her on the back.

"What's going on? Who bullied you, actually made our little Niannian cry, tell grandpa, grandpa will beat him up for you."

It was fine if he didn't say that, but Yun Qinian felt even more uncomfortable when he said that.

Grandpa is sick now, but he doesn't think about himself. He also thinks about whether she has been bullied and wants to stand up for her.

(End of this chapter)

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