Chapter 440 he came to her
The old man fell down, and everyone was worried.

Now that his health has recovered, everyone can't help but be more respectful and polite when they face Yun Qinian again.

Yun Qinian didn't say anything either.

In fact, she didn't think about it that much in her heart now. What she missed most was the sudden and sudden death of Mr. Ye in her previous life.

If she didn't find out the truth of this matter, she couldn't feel at ease.

And if you want to figure this out, you have to stay with the old man all the time.

Therefore, she decided to live in the Ye family's old house during this period of time, never leave the old man, and never go anywhere.

Mr. Ye has no objection to this matter.

Although Yun Qinian didn't tell him the reason why he did this, but as an old man, his granddaughter Ken lived here and often accompanied him. He was too happy, so how could he refuse?

On the contrary, Gu Jingchen, after learning the news, felt a little bit uneasy.

Of course, Yun Qinian didn't tell him the reason.

After all, no one else knew about the rebirth except herself.

She didn't dare to tell others, for fear of being regarded as a monster.

Even if she is as close as Gu Jingchen, she dare not tell casually.

I'm afraid that the other party not only doesn't believe it, but also thinks that there is something wrong with her mind.

Therefore, she could only tell Gu Jingchen that she hadn't been with her grandfather for a long time, and she wanted to take advantage of this time to rest and spend more time with him.

No matter how unhappy Gu Jingchen was, he couldn't say anything.

After all, she wanted to accompany Mr. Ye, and there was no problem with emotion or reason.

It's just a pain for Gu Jingchen, because Yun Qinian wanted to film a movie before, so he couldn't stay with him every day.

Now that the filming of the filming is finally over, she has to go back to Ye's house to accompany Mr. Ye, and it is even more impossible to be by his side.

He really didn't want to live a day of being a monk after getting married.

However, as the saying goes, the sky pays off.

In this world, there are only things that people don't want to do, and there is nothing that no one can't do.

If he really wanted to stay with Yun Qinian, how could Yun Qinian be able to stop him when he returned to Ye's house?

So that night.

Gu Jingchen directly ordered someone to pack a bag of things, and drove to Ye's house.

At this time, Yun Qinian had just finished eating.

She is used to going out for a walk after eating.

When they saw Gu Jingchen appearing at the door of Ye's house with luggage, they were all shocked.

"How did you come?"

She asked in surprise.

Gu Jingchen said confidently: "You can come, why can't I?"

She looked like a little daughter-in-law who had been abandoned.

Indescribably ridiculous.

Yun Qinian was really amused by him, and couldn't help but said: "What the hell, can it be the same if I come with you?"

"I'm here to accompany grandpa, what are you doing here?"

Gu Jingchen was not ashamed, and directly embraced Yun Qinian into his arms, and said confidently, "I'm here to accompany my wife."

Yun Qinian: "..."

Just... very helpless.

But he has come all the time, and he can't drive him back.

Therefore, Yun Qinian had no choice but to keep him.

When the two walked into the house together, she couldn't help but said: "Actually, I just stayed here for a few days and then came back. Why did you come with me? It's so embarrassing."

Gu Jingchen snorted softly, not paying attention.

"We are husband and wife. We should stay together. It's only natural for us to stay together. It's strange not to stay together. So there's nothing embarrassing about it."

(End of this chapter)

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