Chapter 443 Exercise
The next day, Yun Qinian got up early.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw Ye Chengfeng holding a wooden sword and dancing in the yard.

She was a little curious, walked over and asked, "Little uncle, what are you doing?"

Ye Chengfeng turned his head, saw that it was her, and immediately stopped what he was doing.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Didn't you see it? I'm practicing sword."

Yun Qinian was a little startled.

"Practicing the sword? It's fine, what are you doing practicing the sword?"

Ye Chengfeng showed a mysterious expression.

"You don't understand this, do you? Look at this one. It's long and wide. It can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. It can also be used as a weapon and strengthen your body. How good is it when you practice it?"

Yun Qinian couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth.

If she wasn't sure that what she heard was correct, she would almost have thought that Ye Chengfeng had been possessed by a ghost.

Everyone in the Ye family is very diligent, only Ye Chengfeng is the laziest, he won't get up until the sun is up every day if he doesn't sleep.

As for fitness, he doesn't catch a cold at all.

Ye Chengfeng has always been more advocating muddling along, and being drunk now when he has wine.

How did you become so hardworking all of a sudden?
Yun Qinian couldn't help being a little suspicious.

She asked tentatively: "Little uncle, have you been hit by something recently? Or have you been rejected by someone?"

Ye Chengfeng immediately cocked his neck, and said stiffly: "Nonsense, who dares to despise me?"

"Then why do you suddenly start exercising your body?"

Ye Chengfeng said impatiently: "Didn't I tell you? I am here to exercise and make my body better."

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, go and have breakfast quickly! If you delay for a while, be careful that the breakfast will be cold."

After speaking, he forcibly pushed her away.

Yun Qinian had no choice but to leave.

After arriving at the dining room, she saw Ye Yufeng's wife Xi Rongrong.

So he asked her curiously.

"Auntie, what happened to Uncle? Early in the morning, I actually saw him playing with a sword in the yard. Is he okay?"

Xi Rongrong couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

"What can he do! It's just that he is idle and bored, thinking wildly all day long, thinking too much."

Yun Qinian was taken aback for a moment, not quite understanding what she meant.

Xi Rongrong confessed honestly, "Isn't your grandfather sick yesterday? He saw a person who was usually so radiant, and he was sick as soon as he said he was sick. He couldn't do anything by himself in bed, and he had to rely on others for everything."

"It's probably because of a sympathy, in order to prevent future troubles, that's why I suddenly woke up and started exercising!"

Yun Qinian was taken aback for a moment, and was suddenly speechless.

She never thought that Ye Chengfeng suddenly wanted to exercise because of this reason.

But think about it too.

Ye Chengfeng is young and unrestrained, has never been married, and has no children.

He is probably also afraid that he will be reduced to the point of being old and homeless.

It's just that he was thinking too much, not to mention that there are still two cousins ​​around, even if he himself, he wouldn't sit idly by him when something really happened to him!
After Yun Qinian was speechless for a while, she didn't bother with his affairs anymore.

Anyway, Ye Chengfeng has that personality, he loves to play outside the box, everyone is used to it.

As for grandpa, after another night, I don't know if his condition is better today.

Thinking of this, she sat at the dining table and waited for a while.

Not long after, Mr. Ye came down with the help of his servants.

(End of this chapter)

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