Chapter 445
Yun Qinian handed over some matters in the company to Ran Yue in advance, and then joined the group to start recording.

The second season of "The Detective is Coming" is still the original cast.

We haven't seen each other for a long time, and we all seem very affectionate when we meet again.

Yun Qinian greeted them one by one.

Wen Wenjun smiled and said: "Time flies so fast, a year has passed in the blink of an eye."

"Aside from other things this year, Yun Qinian and Murong Chi have collaborated quite a lot. I heard that the two of you are now being called on-screen couples."

Yun Qinian was stunned for a while.

"Screen couple? What?"

He Xiaoxue explained with a smile: "You don't know yet! They are probably couples who only appear on the screen."

"Doesn't everyone know that you're married? You can't win a real cp, but a screen cp is fine."

Only then did Yun Qinian understand, and she was speechless for a while.

She had never heard of such a thing.

At this moment, Zhou Ye came over.

He glanced at Yun Qinian, and said with no expression on his face: "The director told us to go there, let's go there quickly."

Everyone didn't notice his abnormality, so they all followed him.

Because it is the first episode of the second season, the director team decided to take a milder case first after careful consideration.

After all, pearls and jade are the first, and now the focus is on feelings.

It also happens to allow some people who haven't watched the first season to adapt better.

After Yun Qinian got her identity card, she began to enter her role.

This is a case set in the workplace.

The identity card that Yun Qinian got was the deceased's sister, who was also the director of the company.

The ID card that Murong Chi got was the boss of the company, while the identities of the rest of the people were ordinary employees of the company.

After the recording started, everyone began to act according to their own roles.

Because this case is relatively simple, it didn't take much brainpower to record it.

In the end, Yun Qinian's sister was killed by Zhou Ye.

And Yun Qinian, as the director, is superficial on the surface, but secretly has an affair with her boss.

Everyone felt a little speechless after seeing the last plot.

Zhou Ye yelled in dissatisfaction: "What's the matter? What's the matter? Are you willing to tie the two of them together every time? Even recording a program has an affair, and I can only be used to take the blame every time. Yes or no?"

The staff of the program group sat on the open space not far away, laughing at his complaints.

He didn't take his words to heart at all.

Murong Chi looked at Zhou Ye but his eyes darkened slightly, and the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily.

After recording the show, everyone went out for dinner as usual.

Yun Qinian didn't think much about it, and went with them.

The location they chose was in a relatively lively food stall.

In Wen Wenjun's words, it's boring to go to that kind of high-end restaurant.

That kind of place is used to entertain unfamiliar guests. Everyone has recorded two seasons of the show, and they are all friends who know everything.

It's better to come to such a place with a strong atmosphere of life to eat, just now to appear comfortable and friendly.

Yun Qinian has no objection, the only worry is that they will come to fight too much, which will cause crowds of fans and delay the business of other stores.

But after she arrived, she realized that she was obviously worrying too much.

(End of this chapter)

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