Chapter 447
"What? The Tigers?"

"You say he's from the Tigers? That's impossible!"

"The Tigers are still there? I haven't heard..."

Before finishing the rest of the sentence, He Xiaoxue received a reminding look from Murong Chi.

He Xiaoxue didn't dare to speak any more.

Wen Wenjun waved his hand, "It's okay, it's not ashamed to say it, anyway, it's not his fault, it's okay to let you know."

As he spoke, he told everyone about Boss Li's previous affairs.

It turns out that this boss Li's full name is Li Zhen, and he was also a handsome and sunny little fresh meat when he was young.

Not only is he very good looking, but he is also very talented.

Back then, he and his friends formed the Five Tigers band, which became popular all over the country when they debuted.

Many of the songs have become familiar to everyone, almost as a memory of an era.

It's just that this giant star rises fast and falls fast.

At that time, Li Zhen was talking about a girlfriend, and the two fell in love at first sight, and they had already gotten along in school.

Li Zhen loves music and doesn't like going to school, so he wants to drop out of school to play a band full-time.

But his family doesn't allow it.

At that time, Li Zhen was not as transparent and open-minded as he is now, with the tenacity and stubbornness of a teenager.

He insisted on devoting all his energies to the band, which led to huge disagreements with his family.

His parents even threatened that if he continued to engage in the band, they would let him get out of the house and sever the father-son relationship.

Li Zhen was young and impulsive. In a fit of anger, he really packed up a few clothes and ran away from home.

At that time, there were no Tigers.

How can it be so easy to make music.

Only a few days after he ran away from home, he was cheated out of the only 200 yuan he had on him.

In the winter, he was cold and hungry, and had nowhere to go, so he had to go to the girl he liked at the time, hoping to get some help.

He was already prepared to be ridiculed and ridiculed by the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party not only didn't laugh at him, but also used his own living expenses to help him and help him make music.

I heard that his girlfriend's family is very well-to-do, and she has a lot of pocket money.

Although it can't be said that he can't completely help him build a band, but at that time Li Zhen's living expenses and some money for buying musical instruments and running competitions were all sponsored by his girlfriend.

Li Zhen also took it for granted when he ate soft rice.

In his opinion, his girlfriend is already so supportive of him.

If he doesn't concentrate on being a man, he will not only be sorry for himself, but also his girlfriend.

Relying on his eagerness to rush forward, Li Hu soon made his mark in a music competition.

From there, I met several like-minded friends and formed the Five Tigers.

Sure enough, God paid off, and after the band was formed, it became popular with one song.

Since the rest are not singer-songwriters, Li Zhen is responsible for all the songwriting in the band.

This was originally a great opportunity to show off his talent.

It's a pity that God didn't want it.

The world is full of opportunities, but also full of dangers.

Because of the popularity of the Five Tigers, Li Zhen gradually became busy.

360 days a year, almost 360 days are spent working outside.

At that time, they signed a contract with a brokerage company.

The other party wants to let them release more albums and go to more venues when they are popular.

(End of this chapter)

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