Chapter 450 Game Life
Because at that time, there were no serious bands in China, so their rise can be regarded as driving a band craze.

I don't know how many men, women and children like them.

But I didn't expect their backs to be so dirty.

Yun Qinian's expression was very ugly.

When she saw Boss Li just now, she had a very keen intuition.

Although the other party's face was smiling, the brilliance in his eyes was dead.

It was like a piece of dead ashes, silent without a single ripple.

At that time, she knew that the boss surnamed Li was a man with a story.

I just didn't expect his story to be so cruel and painful.

The stolen works can be brought back, but how can the dead wife be brought back to life?

Wen Wenjun sighed, and said: "I brought you here today, one is to take care of his business, and the other is to tell you this story."

"Right and wrong are too complicated in this entertainment industry. No matter what it is, please don't take it too seriously."

"Play life, don't be gamed by life."

After hearing what he said, everyone was deeply impressed.

It was because Li Zhen was too serious at the time that he fell into a dead end, causing a series of tragedies that followed.

Although the behavior of the Five Tigers is too hateful, he himself is not completely without problems.

Yun Qinian said with a sullen face, "What about the other four people? Didn't they suffer any retribution?"

Wen Wenjun glanced at her, and said meaningfully: "What retribution do you think they will suffer?"

Yun Qinian was suffocated immediately.

Yes, what retribution will they suffer?

The words "every evil will be rewarded with evil" are actually nothing more than a trick to deceive children.

In the real society of real adults, it is difficult to reflect it.

Little did they know how many wicked people enjoyed their old age peacefully, and how many kind-hearted people lost their lives because of a trivial matter.

So how can there be fairness in this world?

However, thinking about it this way, she still felt a little reconciled.

How can these people steal other people's fruits for decades?
Still standing in front of the stage in such a high-sounding manner, saying that it was their song.

What face do they have to say this?
What is the difference between stealing someone's work and stealing someone's life?
This kind of person is not worthy to stand on stage and sing!

Looking at her expression, Wen Wenjun knew what she was thinking.

He sighed and patted her hand reassuringly.

"You don't have to be too angry. Have you seen too many dirty things in this circle?"

"Anyway, you are also the boss of an entertainment company now, and you have to learn to see through some things without telling them."

However, Yun Qinian didn't notice what he said at all, and only heard what he said before.

After all, you are also the owner of an entertainment company...

Suddenly her eyes lit up.

"I see, Mr. Wen, you actually have other plans for bringing us here today!"

Wen Wenjun choked, his old face flushed.

"What other plans? Don't talk nonsense, I don't have any."

Yun Qinian sneered, "Okay, you don't have to hide it from me anymore, I know you have good intentions and want to help your friends, and I don't mind being taken advantage of."

"Eat first, I'll go back to the car and make a phone call."

After she finished speaking, she left directly.

The rest of the people didn't realize what was going on, they all looked at Wen Wenjun in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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