After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 453 Idol Disqualification

Chapter 453 Idol Disqualification
What is it called when an idol falls in love?

Oh idol disqualification.

Even for a friend like her, it shouldn't be easy to tell.

Murong Chi smiled at her, but really didn't say anything.

Instead, he raised the glass of warm water and lightly touched her glass.

Yun Qinian understood and picked up the cup to take a sip.

The two of them had a feeling that everything was said without saying anything.

After sitting like this for a while, Wen Wenjun found out that the two of them were fishing here, and immediately began to yell in dissatisfaction.

"Hey, what's the matter with you two? Everyone is drinking here, you two are hiding there and biting your ears, do you want to look like this?"

Yun Qinian smiled and said, "You guys drink yours, we don't drink well, so we won't join in the fun with you."

"Come on, stop bluffing me, your drinking capacity is not good, then there is no one in this world with a good drinking capacity."

After all, every time after recording a show, everyone will go to eat.

Everyone knows how much each other drinks.

Yun Qinian's drinking capacity is obviously not bad at all.

Seeing this, Yun Qinian knew that she couldn't escape, so she stopped being pretentious.

He walked over with a cup.

"Okay, I'll have a few drinks with you, but it's getting late, we're going to break up after a few drinks, so as not to get up tomorrow, how about it?"

Wen Wenjun didn't have any objections, so everyone agreed.

After drinking a few more glasses and playing a round of games, they all parted ways.

Yun Qinian drank, although she said she could drink well, but today she might have heard a sad story.

As the saying goes, if you don't get drunk, everyone gets drunk. She actually felt a little dizzy, so she sat on the back seat and rested with her hands on the car window.

About half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the gate of Jingyuan.

Assistant Xiaoqin reminded her in a low voice: "Sister Qi Nian, we are here."

Only then did Yun Qinian wake up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a familiar building ahead.

She grunted, "Here we are, that's fine."

Then he opened the door and got out of the car.

Xiaoqin was worried that she would go in alone, so she stepped forward to support her.

After entering together, they saw the door was open, and a man with a serious face was sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Gu Jingchen knew that she was going out to have dinner with colleagues today, so he was waiting for her at home.

But I didn't expect her to come back so late.

As soon as he heard the sound of a car outside, he knew that Yun Qinian was back.

So, get up quickly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, he saw the woman who was helped by Xiaoqin to walk in.

"Honey, I'm back."

Yun Qinian said with a smile, and then quickly rushed towards him.

Gu Jingchen quickly took a few steps to catch her.

Smelling the smell of alcohol on her body, she frowned immediately: "Why is there such a strong smell of alcohol? How much alcohol have you drank?"

Yun Qinian hugged his waist and said with a smile, "Not much, just throw it away."

As he spoke, he made a small gesture with two fingers.

Gu Jingchen was speechless for a while.

You're so drunk, why don't you lose it?

Only ghosts believe her!

Seeing this, Xiaoqin said to them: "Mr. Gu, I've already sent Sister Qi Nian back, so I'll go first."

Gu Jingchen nodded, and she left.

After she left, Gu Jingchen hugged Yun Qinian and walked upstairs.

Yun Qinian didn't struggle, just nestled in his arms obediently, wrapping her arms around his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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