Chapter 458
As long as he is happy, I can do anything.

Anyway, no matter when, I am the most important person in his heart.

Every word the woman said hit her heart like a heavy hammer.

He is the most important person to her, yeah!If it wasn't his most important person, how could he give up on himself and save her in times of crisis?
But since she is his most important person, what is he?
What is the relationship between myself and him for a year?
Yun Qinian just giggled like that, tears streaming down her cheeks as she smiled.

Gu Jingchen stood there in a daze, not knowing what was wrong with her.

He asked with concern: "Nian Nian, don't scare me, is there something wrong with you?"

"What did you dream about just now, tell me quickly?"

Yun Qinian suddenly swung him away.

She said coldly: "What did I dream about? Let me tell you what I dreamed about. "

"I dreamed that you fell in love with another woman. I dreamed that you were together longer than me."

"I dreamed that you were a liar, and I dreamed that all the love words you once said to me were lies."

"I also dreamed that you were bathing together, I dreamed of her grievances, and my heartbreak, Gu Jingchen, are you satisfied with this?"

"I'll ask you, are you satisfied with this?"

At the end, she was completely tearing up.

Gu Jingchen was shocked.

Could hardly believe what she said.

"What did you say? I'm with another woman, which woman am I with?"

Yun Qinian sneered.

"Do you still want to ask me about this kind of thing? Gu Jingchen, do you really think I'm easy to deceive? Do you think that as long as you don't tell me, I will never know?"

"But I will always remember it. You know that I will remember it, so why bother to lie to me? Tell me the truth earlier, and you can also pursue your freedom earlier. Isn't that good?"

Gu Jingchen was completely dumbfounded by her question.

He said blankly: "What am I going to tell you? What does it mean to let you go and chase your freedom? What are you talking about?"

Yun Qinian sneered.

"Okay, you don't have to pretend to me anymore, you know exactly what you have done, so you don't have to make it too clear."

Gu Jingchen said angrily: "Why don't you make your words clear? Even if you want to sentence someone to death, you have to tell him clearly why you want to sentence him like this?"

"Don't say anything, what are you doing like this? You think you are wronged, so I am not wronged that I was sentenced to death for being so confused?"

Gu Jingchen's words completely angered Yun Qinian.

She ignored it and said, "What do you mean I'll give you the death penalty? You listened carefully, it was I who saw you lying in a bathtub with another woman. In the hands of the enemy, you chose her over me."

"You have been together for many years, and she has sacrificed so much for you, why do you betray her and hurt me again? Gu Jingchen, do you still have the heart?"

Gu Jingchen was shocked, and looked at her in disbelief.

His face turned pale, as if he had realized something.

After a while, he murmured: " remember it?"

Accompanied by his words, Yun Qinian's heart sank completely.

Even the last trace of hope that quietly rose in my heart just now is gone.

(End of this chapter)

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