Chapter 468

But Yun Qinian was a little shy, and didn't want Gu Jingchen to see all this.

That's why she chose to blog with a pseudonym.

In that, Yun Qinian saw the love between himself and Gu Jingchen from the beginning to the end.

The two met at a banquet.

At that time, Yun Qinian was innocent and romantic. Although she was forced by Mr. Ye to learn various skills since she was a child, apart from these, she was still a little girl who didn't know much about the world.

She accidentally fell into the swimming pool behind because of her playfulness at the banquet.

It was winter, and the pool was as cold as ice.

It stands to reason that Yun Qinian's swimming skills are not bad, and normally he can swim up by himself.

But it was probably because the temperature was too low. After she fell into it, she soon found that her legs were cramped and she couldn't swim at all.

Just at this time, Gu Jingchen passed by and rescued her.

The two fell in love at first sight, each other.

Since then, Yun Qinian has fallen into a sweet love.

Girls at that age are crazy once they fall in love.

All her heart and eyes were on this man, and after being with him, she soon lived together.

The two even reached the point of discussing marriage at one point.

If it weren't for Yun Qinian's young age, he might have been married at that time.

Later, Gu Jingchen told her that he was going abroad to discuss business.

Yun Qinian happened to be going to country F for a mission, so the two split up.

In the end, she met Gu Jingchen in Country F, and then she realized that his identity was far from being as simple as it appeared on the surface.

The specific identity is not detailed in the blog.

But according to Yiyun Qinian's current thinking, it is probably the highest officer of the seventh bureau or something.

But looking at the text in the blog, she was not angry except for being surprised.

After all, if you don't tell him about this kind of thing, you can't blame him.

What's more, didn't I also have something to hide from others, didn't I tell him?
But at that time, Yun Qinian was not angry, but he was a little bit weak.

She thought, since she has seen everything, why not give him a surprise, and simply play here for a while before going back.

So, carrying the gift she bought for Gu Jingchen, she went to him full of joy.

Unexpectedly, on the way to find him, he was hijacked by a group of people.

These people were Gu Jingchen's enemies at that time.

Yun Qinian didn't know the details of the inside story.

But he vaguely understood from the other party's words that the woman Gu Jingchen was carrying was the one they wanted.

According to them, that woman seems to be Gu Jingchen's subordinate.

She killed many of their brothers, and they wanted to avenge them, so they asked Gu Jingchen to bring that woman to exchange with her.

In Yun Qinian's view, since he belongs to Gu Jingchen, he is his own.

One's own people, of course, cannot be bullied.

So she will not be coerced by these people.

But the girls at that time were obviously more playful.

In addition to taking the people around the man as her own as a matter of course, she also made a little prank.

That is, he did not disclose the fact that he knew kung fu and could escape by himself.

Instead, he chose to test.

It was this temptation that made her see the truth clearly, and also made the relationship between the two of them completely enter the cold ice abyss.

Seeing this, Yun Qinian couldn't help trembling slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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