Chapter 470 Prove it

Zhuang Su was stunned.

A few seconds later, he asked in surprise, "What do you remember?"


Yun Qinian answered quickly, pursed the corner of her lower lip, and said, "I found something."

So, next, she told Zhuang Su what she had found.

After Zhuang Su finished listening, he frowned and fell into deep thought.

"It stands to reason that this shouldn't be the case. Although I don't have much contact with Gu Jingchen, I always feel that he doesn't look like this kind of person."

"If you want to say that he has other women outside, it's still believable, but he doesn't care about your life for other women, this..."

Not to mention Zhuang Su, if it hadn't happened to her personally, she wouldn't believe it.

In the previous life, the image of Gu Jingchen dying for her once again rushed into her mind.

She didn't even know which of these two people was the real him.

Zhuang Su sighed.

"But Niannian, this is all in the past. No matter what the truth was at that time, it is always bad for you. Are you sure you really pursue it to the end? People sometimes live in a muddle Come on, it’s not bad.”

Yun Qi thought for a moment.

She understood what Zhuang Su meant.

But she begs to disagree.

Something felt like a thorn in her heart.

If the thorn is not pulled out, even if it can be ignored for now, it will prick itself from time to time.

The so-called long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, she would rather find out all the truth now, rather than wait for a certain day in the future to regret and regret.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhuang Su knew her attitude.

He couldn't help but sighed heavily again.

"Okay, if you have to look it up, I can help you to clear the memory. I have some ideas, but there is no conclusion yet, so I won't tell you. Give me some time, and I will prove it. I will notify you as soon as I have the result."

At this moment, Yun Qinian's heart was in a mess.

I didn't have the energy to ask him how to confirm it, so I just said "um".

After saying thank you again, I hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Gu Jingchen's face appeared in his mind again.

That face had appeared many times in her dreams.

It was all sweet memories at first, until recently...

Yun Qinian lay with her eyes closed for a long time, but she couldn't calm down her heart.

In the end, she simply gave up trying.

If your mind is messed up, let it be.

She didn't want to struggle, so she let it go.

Thinking of this, she opened her eyes.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, he was startled.

Subconsciously, he jumped up from the bed and stared at the man standing opposite him with a frightened expression as if he had eaten a fly.

"How did you get in?"

I saw Gu Jingchen wearing a suit, standing there tall and tall.

I don't know if it's because my mood is too chaotic, there are too many voices in my head.

Yun Qinian, who was usually alert, didn't notice his arrival.

But she reacted quickly.

He glanced at the door, and then at the dark sky outside the window.

His face immediately sank.

"When did you come here? Gu Jingchen, this is my room, how can you come in without my permission?"

Gu Jingchen was not afraid at all.

He raised the room card in his hand, and said calmly: "We are husband and wife, and I am your husband, so your room is naturally mine. I come to visit your class. It is not too much to ask the front desk for a room card, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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