Chapter 472
Yun Qinian was slightly shocked.

There was a flash of surprise in the beautiful pupils.

Although she didn't fully remember what happened six years ago, she also knew from the blog posts she wrote before that it was a very powerful criminal organization.

Gu Jingchen put eyeliner inside?
That's right, according to his status, it's not a strange thing to put his own people in the opponent's team.

After all, he is the top officer of the Seventh Bureau.

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian frowned.

"so what?"

Even so, can you guarantee that she won't get hurt at all?
Gu Jingchen said in a deep voice: "At that time, I sent Ka Lan to find a blueprint. In order to bring things out, she drew the blueprint on her body so that she could escape their search."

"If I gave them Kalan at that time, it would not only be her hard work, but also the half-year hard work of other brothers in the bureau would be in vain."

"In public and private, I can't do that either."

The anger in Yun Qinian's heart dissipated a little, but she still sneered.

"So, that's why you gave up your girlfriend and put her life in the hands of the enemy?"

Gu Jingchen choked slightly.

For a moment, laugh at yourself.

"I know this incident has caused you a lot of harm, but Nian Nian, do you think that without my secret operation, you could have escaped so easily back then?"

Yun Qinian's eyelids twitched, and she stared at him coldly.

"What do you mean?"

A faint sneer appeared on Gu Jingchen's face.

"A criminal with countless personal rules, when he suddenly got such a beautiful woman, he didn't touch her, but shut her up in his room. Do you think it's reasonable?"

"Even if you are not moved by your beauty, you are my woman after all. They hate me to the bone, so it's okay to get rid of you?"

"Gu Jingchen, you bastard!"

Yun Qinian felt a burst of anger rushing straight to his forehead, and he reached out to give him a slap.

However, the hand was still in the air when it was stopped by the man.

He stared at Yun Qinian calmly, and said in a deep voice: "Because the leader of their team is mine, and I gave him the order to let you go."

"I had already arranged for someone to pick you up, but for some reason, they told me later that they didn't pick you up."

"I'm worried, and I made a special trip to look for it myself, but I didn't find any trace of you."

"I asked Batu, who is my eyeliner, and he said that you left long ago, before my people came over."

When Gu Jingchen said this, he didn't continue talking.

Yun Qinian opened her mouth slightly, her pupils widened, and she looked at him in disbelief.

She recalled everything she had experienced in her mind.

Indeed, the leader named Batu didn't touch her, but locked her in the room, calling it a good name, and wanted her to follow him convincingly.

Immediately afterwards, she waited until midnight, but did not wait for Gu Jingchen's people to come.

She thought that the other party had given up on her and didn't want to come over.

Sad and angry, she captivated the group of people and ran out by herself.

But now... Gu Jingchen actually told her that he sent someone there?
No, not right!
There's a big thing wrong with this!

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian looked straight at Gu Jingchen.

"You said you sent someone to pick me up, and the other party told you that I had escaped a long time ago. When he told you this, what time was it in the evening?"

(End of this chapter)

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