Chapter 482
Turning around, she saw Ran Yue standing there.

Yun Qinian was a little surprised.

"Ran Yue, why are you here?"

Ran Yue was so angry.

He glanced at Murong Chi who was engaged in the shooting not far away, and then glanced at the people around him who glanced over strangely.

She said with an ugly face: "Let's talk about it in another place."

Yun Qinian nodded, stood up and followed her to the other side.

"Ran Yue, what are you doing here when you're not staying at the company?"

Ran Yue was almost pissed off by this little ancestor.

She said angrily: "You still ask me? You don't even look at what's going on online, why are you still in the mood to sit here and watch him act?"

She paused, suddenly realizing something.

She looked at Yun Qinian in disbelief.

"Could it be that you really cheated on Hong Xing and fell in love with him?"

Yun Qinian: "..."

I couldn't help rolling my eyes.

"What are you thinking?" She said angrily, "We are just friends, and we don't have the messy relationship you mentioned."

Ran Yue patted her chest happily.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Then he frowned.

"Then what happened to those photos on the Internet? Last night, why were you in his room? There are such intimate photos circulating?"

Yun Qinian sighed helplessly.

"I just ate a crayfish with him. The kissing photo was a borrowing effect caused by someone deliberately looking for an angle. We didn't do anything except eat two catties of crayfish and drink two bottles of beer. Do you understand?"

Ran Yue: "..."

In fact, she also believed that Yun Qinian was not someone who would do such a thing.

But at this time, after hearing what she said personally, she was still relieved.

"That's good. As long as you control yourself, there is still room for saving this matter."

Yun Qinian: "???"

Seeing her boss' face immediately changed, Ran Yue hurriedly smiled to appease her.

"No, what I mean is, no matter how good your relationship is and how trustworthy your friends are, you still have to pay attention to the distance when getting along."

"After all, you are all popular now. Be good, listen to me, you should think of it for the health of the company's employees, and don't make such news in the future, okay?"

Yun Qinian is a person who takes soft things but not tough ones.

Ran Yue begged so nicely, how could she still say no?
It's just that I can't help but feel aggrieved.

"I don't know who was paid a thousand dollars to deliberately take this kind of photo. When I find out which media it is, I will definitely block them!"

As he spoke, he squeezed his fist angrily.

Ran Yue seemed to suddenly think of something, her eyes flashed.

She said thoughtfully: "You reminded me of this. It's very strange to talk about it. According to the rules in the circle, whenever paparazzi take such photos, they must not spread them out immediately. It’s really not good for them.”

"Their first thing should be to ask us for money with photos. With this kind of revelation in hand, how much money they want, it's not up to them."

Seeing Yun Qinian's angry eyes about to show off, Ran Yue quickly explained.

"Don't be angry. Although this thing sounds dirty, it has already become an unwritten rule in the circle. Anyone who has been around for a long time knows it."

"My strange thing is that they didn't come to us to extort money, but directly chose to make it public. What is the purpose?"

With Ran Yue's reminder, Yun Qinian also remembered.

(End of this chapter)

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