After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 485 Rejecting the Proposal

Chapter 485 Rejecting the Proposal
Ran Yue choked.

Probably also thought it was funny, couldn't help laughing.

"You've misunderstood me. I'm talking about CP speculation, not lover CP."

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Then fry what?"

"Brother and sister CP, what do you think?"

As if talking about excitement, Ran Yue began to talk eloquently.

"I've thought about it. Anyway, your current situation can't be cleared up even if you jump into the Yellow River. Why don't you simply sell wave character designs, and for the sake of your reputation, directly break your relationship into brother and sister."

"Although Murongchi's team hasn't said anything, I think this is something that is beneficial to them, and they won't refuse."

"When the time comes, no matter what interaction you two have, you just need to say it's brother-sister friendship."

"As for last night's photo, it's also more convincing to explain."

"Actually, it's best to let Mr. Gu take time out from his busy schedule to have a meal with the three of you. The effect will be even better."

Yun Qinian couldn't stand listening anymore, so she stopped her immediately.

"Wait, you said that not only I want to cooperate with you, but also Gu Jingchen also cooperates with you, and you also want to have dinner with him?"

Ran Yue nodded, "Yes."

Then he asked tentatively: "President Gu loves you so much, he probably...wouldn't refuse such a small request."

Yun Qinian: "..."

She felt that Ran Yue might be crazy.

She really wanted to take back her previous evaluation of Ran Yue.

What gold broker, this is clearly a lunatic.

Otherwise, how could it be whimsical to come up with such a bad idea?
Yun Qinian shook her head repeatedly.

"No, no, I don't agree to this."

What kind of brother and sister CP, to put it nicely, isn't it actually using the public opinion on the Internet and the traffic of the two to speculate for the two to make money.

It can be said that there are many artists in her company, but she really can't do it.

Ran Yue looked at her face full of refusal, knowing that she would not be able to pass the threshold in her heart.

He sighed secretly and said nothing.

"Okay, since you have concerns, then pretend I didn't say anything."

"I will find another way to solve this matter. You can go to your own business first."

Yun Qinian looked at her suspiciously.

"Are you sure? You agreed not to think about it anymore. You won't go back on your word."

Ran Yue smiled slightly.

"No, don't worry."

Yun Qinian nodded, then turned and left.

However, just after she left.

After thinking about it, Ran Yue took out her phone and took a picture of her and Murong Chi's back.

She then sent the photo to the company's public relations team.

[According to the original plan, contact Murongchi's team directly. 】

The public relations team quickly responded to the news, saying that they had already contacted and the other party was willing to cooperate.

She just nodded and left at ease.

But here, Yun Qinian didn't know anything about the outside world.

Seeing that Murong Chi had finally finished filming the scene and was walking this way, she quickly picked up a bottle of water and walked towards him.

"Finished filming? Are you tired? Come, drink some water."

Murong Chi took a sip of the water she handed, and said with a smile, "Didn't you say that your announcements are all scheduled for the afternoon? Why are you here so early?"

Yun Qinian smiled.

"Isn't there something I want to tell you, so I came a little early, but it's okay, you are busy first, and I will talk about it when you are done."

After all, she knew very well that Murong Chi only had two days.

It took a whole day yesterday, today is the last day, and there are still two scenes left to be filmed.

The time is tight and the task is heavy, and I really can't afford to waste it.

(End of this chapter)

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