Chapter 487 Long time no see
So Murong Chi poured her a cup.

Yun Qinian picked up the cup and took a sip.

I just feel that it is no different from ordinary tea. The entrance is astringent, with a little bit of bitterness and tea aroma.

She smiled embarrassedly.

After all, he didn't want to go against Murong Chi's good intentions, so he said against his will, "It's delicious."

Murong Chi also smiled, not knowing whether he believed it or not.

He handed the menu to Yun Qinian.

"I didn't order, you order."

Yun Qinian was not too polite, and after asking him about his taste, he ordered a few things that both of them liked.

While waiting for the dishes, she couldn't help asking, "Why did you suddenly think of asking me out for dinner?"

Murong Chi glanced at her.

There is a little deep meaning in the eyes.

"Why can't I invite you to dinner?"

Yun Qinian was taken aback.

Then he smiled slowly and said: "I thought, we are also considered friends, isn't it normal for friends to have dinner together when they are free?"

When he said that, Yun Qinian felt that it was the same.

It's normal for friends to eat together.

But why does she always feel weird?
Something seemed wrong, but as for where, she couldn't tell?

She frowned, looking rather distressed.

Murong Chi didn't explain much, and when the food came, he took the initiative to bring her some food, and the two of them started eating together.

With the delicious food in hand, Yun Qinian didn't think too much about it.

After eating, she rubbed her belly and said, "Sit down for a while, I'll go to the bathroom."

"it is good."

Murong Chi said, as if he suddenly remembered something, and kindly reminded him.

"The toilet in the box seems to be broken, you can go outside."

Yun Qinian was about to push the door of the private room's bathroom.

Hearing this, he took his hand back, let out an "oh", turned around and walked out.

She didn't notice that when she was walking out, there was a dim gleam in the eyes of the man behind her.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Yun Qinian quickly went to the toilet.

He was coming out comfortably, but when he raised his eyes, he saw a familiar figure.

His footsteps froze in place.

Gu Jingchen was invited by his partner to discuss a business today.

Just after the conversation, when he came out of the box, he saw his little wife standing not far away, looking at him in bewilderment.

Gu Jingchen narrowed his eyes and raised his wrist to look at the time.

One o'clock noon.

He remembered that the crew did not give her a holiday during this period, and the announcements were always full.

At this point in time, she should be staying in the filming crew, why did she appear here?

Soon, the door of the box next to Yun Qinian was opened.

Murong Chi came out with a slightly drunken face, and asked suspiciously: "Nian Nian, why are you standing in the corridor? Why don't you go in?"

As he spoke, he reached out and pulled her arm.

The moment his fingers touched Yun Qinian's skin, he felt a sharp arrow-like gaze shoot towards his arm.

Murong Chi paused, then turned his head to look in the direction of his gaze.

He saw Gu Jingchen standing there at a glance.

Behind him were several middle-aged men in suits and ties.

It's just that most of these people are greasy and bald, dressed like successful people in society.

On the contrary, Gu Jingchen, who was standing in front of them, was more and more handsome, extraordinary and refined.

The corners of Murong Chi's lips curled up slightly.

"So it's Mr. Gu. It's been a long time. Nice to meet you."

(End of this chapter)

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