Chapter 501 Arrogant
"Okay, there's no need to talk about it, Miss Yun is right, there are indeed problems with these two words."

Huangfuyu was even more astonished.

Can't help screaming.

"Director Li!"

"I know my play."

He interrupted Huangfuyu impatiently, and looked at Yun Qinian again, he couldn't help being more cautious and appreciative.

"From so many lines, you can keenly detect that these two words are wrong, and correct them accurately, which shows that when you are acting, you not only focus on your acting skills, but also use your brain."

"This is the spirit and professionalism that a good actor should have. I like your performance very much, Ms. Yun, I hope you can play the role of the lead actress in "A Thousand Mountains". I wonder if you would like to?"

Yun Qinian smiled slightly.

"Of course I would."

"Then it's settled. I'll contact your agent immediately and ask her to sign the contract."

"it is good."

Seeing that the two of them talked like this.

He was obviously [-]% sure, but now he became a running companion.

How could Huangfuyu be reconciled?
But before she could say anything, Yun Qinian and Li Quan had already walked aside to discuss the next filming and specific contract matters.

It was the first time for Huangfuyu to receive such a cold reception.

He couldn't help but clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and stared at the two people not far away.

After a while, he said to the manager and assistant beside him, "Let's go!"

The high heels stepped on the ground, making a loud noise.

Yun Qinian raised her eyes from the paper contract, glanced in the direction of the door, and slowly raised the corners of her lips.


After Huangfuyu came out of the building, she never showed a good face.

She sat in the car angrily, her originally beautiful face was full of gloom.

The assistant glanced at her cautiously, and then at the manager sitting in the front passenger seat.

Silently closed his mouth, not daring to speak.

The manager didn't say anything either. In fact, today's result was within his expectations.

It is true that Huangfu Yu's acting skills are not bad.

But she is too arrogant.

Since he grew up, he has no one in his eyes, and doesn't put anyone in his eyes.

Who is Li Quan?

Qingliu, who walks in the entertainment circle, doesn't care how much power and status you have.

The drama is bigger than the sky, and this sentence is the most suitable to describe him.

Huangfuyu wanted to put on the airs of a queen in front of Li Quanquan, how could he care about it?

And that Yun Qinian.

It has to be said that Cheng Mu has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and Yun Qinian is the most energetic actress he has ever seen.

If Huangfu Yu was really sincere and put down her body to act in this play, she might not be inferior to her, and she might not be able to win this role.

But from the very beginning, she was arrogant and looked down on everyone.

In this way, the heart will inevitably despise the other party.

It is no surprise that the game was lost in the end.

Cheng Mu secretly sighed in his heart.

Before he had time to think about it, he suddenly heard a vicious voice from the back seat.

"I think this Yun Qinian is trying to spoil my good deeds and prevent me from getting this role. Does she think she can get it?"

Cheng Mu's eyelids twitched, and he turned to look at her.

"What do you want to do?"

Huangfu Yu was completely too lazy to pretend at this time.

She glanced at Cheng Mu with disdain.

"Those who have offended me will not end well."

It was before, and it will be in the future.

She is the eldest lady of the imperial family, as for Yun Qinian?
As long as she has no chance to go back there, who will know her identity?

(End of this chapter)

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