Chapter 505 Someone Behind
She couldn't help but stroke her forehead.

For a moment, he smiled lightly.

"Okay, I see, everyone has worked hard, let's take a rest first, I see that you came so early, you probably didn't have breakfast, wait a minute, I'll ask someone to buy something to eat."

After speaking, he called Xiaoqin.

Everyone was a little embarrassed, and waved their hands again and again to say no.

But was interrupted by Yun Qinian involuntarily.

These fans really like her.

They have built a Great Wall with enthusiasm, and it is good that they cannot let them down.

So, Xiaoqin bought breakfast, and she asked people to distribute the things.

I had a little chat with them, took some pictures, and signed a stack of autographed photos.

She didn't leave until someone inside urged her to go back and shoot.

Before leaving, he kept turning his head and waving at them.

"Go home early, don't stay here for too long, they are all girls, it's not safe to stay outside for too long."

"Remember to report in the group when you go back, and pay attention to safety on the road."

Everyone should be happy.

Only then did Yun Qinian leave.

But at this moment, what she didn't know was that there was already a pair of eyes staring at her in the dark.

On the high rooftop, a ghostly figure held a binoculars in his hands, staring at the woman who was slowly walking towards the set, and curled the corners of his lips coldly.

She made a phone call and said in a deep voice: "Miss, I have found her whereabouts, and I can do it at any time."

Huangfuyu's quiet voice came from the opposite side.

"Then do it, don't let me down."


Yun Qinian filmed for a whole day, and didn't call it a day until nine o'clock in the evening.

Not to mention her, even Xiaoqin who was waiting beside her felt exhausted.

The two walked towards the hotel with heavy steps.

Because it is not far from the hotel, even if you walk, it is only about 10 minutes away.

Therefore, Yun Qinian didn't bother to let people drive.

So he planned to walk back to the hotel with Xiaoqin.

The two walked on the road, chatting while walking.

Because it was already late at night, there were almost no other pedestrians on this road except the two of them.

There are even very few vehicles passing by.

While the two were walking, Yun Qinian suddenly felt something was wrong.

She turned her head suddenly, but saw that the road was quiet and quiet in the middle of the night, and there was no one there.

Xiaoqin asked curiously: "Sister Nian Nian, what's wrong?"

Yun Qinian frowned.

At that moment, she suddenly felt a murderous aura behind her.

This is a kind of sixth sense that has been cultivated after years of struggling on the edge of life and death.

Over the years, it has never been missed.

But there is no one?
Could it be that she really felt wrong?
For a long time, in order not to worry Xiaoqin, let alone scare her.

She still shook her head.

"It's nothing."

Seeing her babbling, Xiaoqin couldn't help feeling a little bit numb.

"Sister Nian Nian, you must have seen something, right?"

This time, Yun Qinian was stunned.

She looked at Xiaoqin and subconsciously asked, "What is it?"

"It's that kind of thing."

Xiaoqin said, swallowing her saliva.

Seeing her bewildered look, she had no choice but to explain.

"It's easy to see at night, that kind of horrible dirty thing."

Yun Qinian: "..."

Only then did she understand.

It turned out that Xiaoqin was talking about ghosts.

I couldn't help but feel a little funny for a while.

She reached out and patted Xiaoqin's head, and said with a low smile: "What horrible dirty thing? What are you thinking about all day long?"

(End of this chapter)

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