Chapter 507 Meeting
Xiaoqin's eyes widened in shock.

Subconsciously, she thought that Yun Qinian was going to abandon her and run for her life.

She shook her head hastily.

"I, I can't do it, sister Nian Nian, please help me, my parents are still at home waiting for me to go back, I can't die."

As he spoke, he reached out to grab her hand.

Yun Qinian immediately laughed angrily at her.

"What are you thinking? Don't worry, I won't let you die."

As she spoke, she raised her eyes to look at the tall building not far away.

Then pointing to the red dot on the tall building, he explained to Xiaoqin: "Did you see that red dot? That's the sniper. If we don't kill her, we won't be able to escape tonight. She can always catch her!" Those who catch us, we will really be finished by then."

"Now I want you to stay here well and don't move around. This is a blind spot. As long as she doesn't come over, she won't be able to see it."

"The prerequisite is, you have to listen to me and don't move around, not even one leg, understand?"

Xiaoqin opened her big eyes and looked at her blankly.

After a while, he asked, "What about you? Where are you going?"

Yun Qinian showed a stern smile.

"Me? Naturally, to solve this trouble!"

I don't know why, at the moment she said this sentence.

Obviously the face is still the same, but Xiaoqin just feels that there is something different about her.

It was as if he had completely changed himself.

And Yun Qinian didn't notice her feeling at all.

After finishing speaking, he bowed his back and quietly went out from the other side.

At this time, on the rooftop not far away.

The female killer code-named "Cat" is using a sniper rifle and a night vision scope to search for the figure she wants to assassinate in the woods.

She is the number one sniper in the hidden guard.

This time the eldest lady entrusted her with this task, although she didn't know who Yun Qinian was or why she wanted to kill her.

But she's just a killer at her beck and call.

Just complete the task assigned to him by the master.

Therefore, she is determined to win this order tonight.

But for some reason, since the other party hid in the woods, she could no longer see the other party's figure.

The whole forest was very quiet, except for the occasional chirping of insects, there was no trace of people at all.

Cat frowned.

In her heart, she was reluctant to believe that Yun Qinian could escape her scope.

But the fact is there, she has lost track of her target now.

Even if the other party didn't run away now, [-]% should still be in the woods.

But it's not an option to spend it here all the time.

Just when she was thinking about whether to take the risk and go directly to the woods to kill the other party.

Suddenly there was a cold voice from behind.

"Who am I? It turns out to be the well-known female sniper Cat on the killer list. Since when did you accept such an order?"

The cat was startled and turned around sharply.

Sure enough, he saw a tall and thin figure standing at the entrance of the rooftop.

The other party was wearing a black overcoat and half a silver mask on his face, exuding a dangerously cold air from his whole body.

The cat's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Seven? Why are you here?"

Seven is also a well-known person on the killer list.

Although she seldom accepts orders, once she accepts them, she must complete the task [-]%, and the orders she accepts are all big orders that ordinary people dare not accept or cannot do.

(End of this chapter)

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