After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 510 The Battle Between Heaven and Man

Chapter 510 The Battle Between Heaven and Man
She probably never imagined in her life that such a thing would happen to her one day.

On a bleak rooftop, she was forced to make this kind of deal by a colleague who was stronger than her.

There is a battle between heaven and man in the heart.

There was also some confusion in his eyes.

She is still young, only 25 years old, and she still has a lot of life to live.

She doesn't want to die.

But if the young lady's information is betrayed, let alone she can't get along in the killer business.

What she has to face is the pursuit of the entire Huangfu family.

Even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he couldn't escape a word of death.

Thinking of this, her eyes hardened.

directly broke the silence.

"I can't say, the only thing I can tell you is that she offended someone she shouldn't offend. The other party is the heir of a world-class wealthy and noble family. Even if I don't kill her today, someone else will kill her in the future her."

"You can keep her for a while, but you can't keep her forever."

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows.

World-class giants?
The so-called world-class giants are nothing more than those few.

But she thought that she had never had any problems with them.

Why did they kill themselves?
Thinking of this, she suddenly realized something.

A figure quickly flashed in my mind, and I felt a little unbelievable at first.

But soon, it became quiet again.

She curled her lips.

"Okay, I see, let's go."

The cat froze for a moment.

It seems that she did not expect that she would be so easy to talk.

With such a wide scope, she actually let her go?
Yun Qinian couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she saw that she was still still moving.

"Why, do you want to compete with me again?"

The cat choked, and immediately came to his senses, and quickly said, "No need, no need to compare."

She didn't know how much she weighed herself before, but now she knows it completely.

She is no match for Seven at all.

Just now, he didn't use all his strength, he had already beaten her back steadily, and he was powerless to fight back.

If she really tried her best, she might not be able to survive the three moves under her hands.

She'd better stop humiliating herself.

Thinking of this, the cat quickly packed up its things and left quickly.

Yun Qinian looked at her leaving back and smiled.

I didn't pursue it any further, and went back to the opposite woods to find Xiaoqin.

At this moment, Xiaoqin has been following her instructions, hiding behind the big tree where they hid before, not daring to move.

Yun Qinian left for about 10 minutes, and she had 10 minutes, her whole body was tense.

He didn't even dare to take a big breath, he could only breathe in small mouthfuls.

Seeing her coming, Xiaoqin's eyes lit up immediately.

"Qi, Miss Qi Nian."

Yun Qinian reached out and pulled her up from the ground.

"Okay, it's safe, get up."

Xiaoqin still couldn't believe it.

Nestled next to her timidly, looking around in fear.

I couldn't believe it and asked: "Is it really safe? Is the person who wanted to kill us gone?"

Yun Qinian let out a "hmm", obviously not wanting to explain too much to her.

But there are some things that she can't explain if she doesn't want to explain them?
Seeing that the surroundings seemed to be really safe, Xiaoqin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief that she wasn't lying.

While he was relieved, he couldn't help but feel a burst of indignation when he thought of the danger before.

"These people are too courageous. How dare they openly commit crimes in broad daylight? They still use guns? Do they still have kings in their eyes?"

(End of this chapter)

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