After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 523 The mastermind behind the scenes

Chapter 523 The mastermind behind the scenes
Seeing that the black snake had already hesitated, Yun Qinian continued to induce.

"I know you are not the mastermind in this matter, so I don't want to hold you accountable."

"How about this, you tell me who is the mastermind behind your scenes, and I will go directly to him, and you can pretend that this incident never happened, how about it?"

By saying this, she gave the other party a way out.

It was originally a good intention to her, but in the ears of the black snake, it turned into a humiliation.

He slapped the table angrily and stood up.

"What? Are you looking down on us? Do you think we will be afraid of you?"

Yun Qinian slightly raised her eyes and glanced at her, her tone was casual, but with a coldness like the tip of a knife.

She said softly: "Do you need me to look down on you? I came here alone today, and I didn't do anything, and you are already like this."

"For the sake of being a kidnapper, don't let me look down on you, I don't even bother to remember you!"


The black snake was furious.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside.

As if being hit hard by something, the ground shook.

Everyone was startled, and Black Snake asked angrily, "What's going on?"

Immediately, someone took a look out of the window, and after just one glance, his face changed drastically.

"It's not good, someone outside surrounded this place!"


Black Snake stood up in disbelief.

Go to the window and have a look, don't you?

There were more than a dozen black off-road vehicles parked outside, like dormant beasts in the dark night.

He quickly took out his cell phone and made a call.

Not knowing what the person on the other end of the phone said, Black Snake's expression gradually eased.

He gave a low "hmm", then turned his head to look at Yun Qinian's position.

After talking for a while, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Black Snake walked up to Yun Qinian.

Lifting her foot, she kicked the chair under her.

"Hey, don't you want to see Murong Chi? You can go see him now."

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows.

If her guess is correct, those people outside are the masterminds behind the Black Snake.

She was worried about not being able to find these people, but unexpectedly, the other party obediently delivered them to her door.

Yun Qinian didn't say anything, she stood up and walked outside.

At this time, outside the warehouse.

A dozen Hummers lined up and parked there.

No one got out of the car, watching the woman slowly coming out of the warehouse through a layer of black windshield.

I saw her tall and tall, with a fair and beautiful face.

With a straight back, there is a kind of loneliness and independence in the cold night.

Black Snake led a group of people, but did not come out directly.

But far away, following behind her.

Until Yun Qinian walked in front of the Hummer in the middle, looked at the people inside through the black windshield, and said in a deep voice, "Come out! It's already this time, why bother playing tricks?"

There was silence all around.

No one spoke, and everyone looked at her in shock.

It seemed that she never thought that she would have the courage to talk to others like this.

After all, the person sitting there is someone who even they can't afford to offend.

If they were offended, the consequences would not be borne by a little girl like Yun Qinian.

Until now, Hei Snake and his group still regard Yun Qinian as an innocent little girl.

Even though she had shown her courage and skill just now, she was still not taken seriously by these people.

(End of this chapter)

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