After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 53 She's Pregnant

Chapter 53 She's Pregnant
Lin Yuan: "..."

Just, panicked.

In the end, facing Yun Qinian's staring gaze, she had no choice but to agree.

"That's fine! Since you must play it, I'll get it for you. Just wait."

Lin Yuan said, turned and went to the warehouse.

Soon, he came out with a guqin in his arms.

One end of the guqin is carved with a phoenix head, and the other end is carved with a phoenix tail. At first glance, it looks exactly the same as the one that Yun Qinian took a picture of last night.

Yun Qinian's brows were dark and she didn't speak.

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with pride.

At this time, she had to be thankful for her foresight.

Fortunately, she had made a batch of fake products and kept them at home, otherwise she really didn't know how to deal with them today.

At this time, Yunfan also saw a hint of surprise in his eyes.

When he heard the name Feng Ming just now, he felt familiar.

Now look at the Qin that Lin Yuan took out, isn't this the one that was at the auction last night?
He looked at Lin Yuan in surprise.

Lin Yuan still didn't know what happened last night, and said with a smile, "Nian Nian, I brought the piano you wanted, take a look."

Yun Qinian glanced casually and recognized that the piano was a fake.

She sneered and said, "Aunt Lin, do you really think I'm easy to deceive? The one my mother left behind is clearly the real Fengming, but now you actually brought out a fake one."

Lin Yuan was shocked.

"Fake? This, how is this possible! Nian Nian, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

Yun Qinian turned her head to look at Yun Fan.

"Am I talking nonsense, Dad knows that, doesn't he?"

Yun Fan was also surprised.

He's not really stupid, things have come to this point, plus what happened last night.

How could he still not understand what happened?
His face immediately sank.

"What's going on? How could the things in our house become fakes? Lin Yuan, please explain to me quickly!"

Although he didn't dare to sell the things that Ye Wanxin left behind.

But after all, it belonged to the Yun family.

If Lin Yuan was going to take it out and sell it privately, he must be angry.

Lin Yuan panicked, and at this moment, Yun Qianyu gently pulled her.

Then he leaned over and whispered something in her ear.

Lin Yuan's expression changed drastically.

Yun Qianyu was also full of regret at this time.

Last night, after she came back, she went straight to her room and went to sleep because she was too tired.

Originally, he wanted to talk to his mother about Feng Ming when he had time today, but he didn't expect Yun Qinian to come to his door.

This caused Lin Yuan to not know that Feng Ming had appeared at the auction.

However, Yun Qianyu was a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that ordinary people could not enter last night's auction at all.

Even she and Yun Fan entered under the banner of the Ye family.

It is impossible for Yun Qinian to attend such a high-end and important occasion by herself, how did she know about Feng Ming?

Yun Qianyu was in doubt.

But here, Lin Yuan knew that the matter had been exposed, and it was impossible to fool around anymore.

Yun Qinian obviously came here today with preparations, maybe it's not only Feng Ming's business, but she also knows about other sold items in the warehouse.

Rather than repeatedly sophistry, and then be seen through.

It's better to be subdued directly.

As a result, her eyes turned red, her legs softened, and she knelt down towards Yunfan.

"Brother Fan, I was wrong!"

Yunfan was shocked violently.

"Did you really do it? Did you really sell Fengming?"

Lin Yuan cried out: "Brother Fan, I didn't mean to sell Fengming, it's because my unsatisfactory younger brother made a big mistake in his business a while ago, if I don't help him, he will go to jail, I really don't It’s the way to change the minds of those things.”

Yun Fan never thought that Lin Yuan, whom he had always trusted, would do such a thing.

He said angrily: "If you are short of money, you can tell me, when did I not give it to you?"

"I know Brother Fan, you are good to me, but it is because of this that I feel guilty. To be honest, my brother's accident this time actually has something to do with me. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have spent so much money. The company is even less likely to have an accident because of this.”

Yun Fan couldn't help frowning when he heard that.

"What's going on? Can you explain it clearly?"

Lin Yuan wiped away her tears before saying, "Brother Fan, I'm pregnant."

For a moment, Yun Qinian thought she had heard wrong.

Yun Fan was as shocked as her.

Lin Yuan Lihua smiled with rain, caressing her belly with one hand.

"I've been pregnant with your child for four months. The reason why my brother, Linqiao Company, made a capital loophole is because they paid a sky-high price for us to beg for a son-in-law. Fortunately, the thing is effective. Brother Fan, you should immediately You will have a son!"

Perhaps the news was too shocking, Yun Fan stood there in a daze, unable to react for a long while.

After about a few minutes, he asked in disbelief, "What did you say? I, I have a son?"


Lin Yuan nodded heavily, with a look of joy that couldn't be concealed on his face.

"I didn't dare to tell you before, because I was afraid it would be an empty joy, but I asked someone to check it a few days ago, and they said that it is a son, Brother Fan, our Yun family finally has a son!"

Yunfan was overjoyed.

On the contrary, Yun Qinian's face was gloomy.

Pregnancy has never happened in the previous life.

Yun Qinian was not sure if it was true or not.


After all?

Dare her daughter be air?

Yun Qinian sneered.

"Aunt Lin is really tight-lipped. She's been pregnant for four months, and she's been keeping her face to herself. She should eat and drink, and socialize and drink. She knows that she is pregnant with our father's son. I thought I was pregnant with a Nezha, so I made it up like this!"

Lin Yuan froze.

Yun Fan immediately lowered his face, glared at her and said, "Don't talk nonsense! This is your younger brother. If your Aunt Lin can give birth to a son for our Yun family, he will be a great hero of our Yun family. Be more polite to her in the future!"

Yun Qinian: "..."

Didn't she just know now that Yun Fan has always wanted a son.

At the beginning, it was because the mother refused to regenerate after giving birth to her.

He complained so much to his mother that Lin Yuan later took advantage of his loopholes, and the two hooked up to commit adultery.

However, she really couldn't think about it, Lin Yuan was 40 years old this year, how could she still be pregnant?
Ah!It's true that good people don't live long, and the scourge lasts for thousands of years.

She was a little frustrated, and said directly: "Father, what are you going to do with Fengming's matter? It's my mother's property, and it was sold directly without saying anything. You have to explain it to me." ?”

Yun Fan choked, and Lin Yuan pulled his sleeve suddenly.

He immediately frowned displeasedly and looked at Yun Qinian.

"Okay, isn't it just a piano? Your Aunt Lin didn't sell it on purpose, and she didn't want to give you a younger brother! If your mother knew about it, she would definitely be happy for our Yun family, you Don't haggle over here any more."

(End of this chapter)

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