After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 537 Mysterious Experiment

Chapter 537 Mysterious Experiment
But he is a rational man after all.

Therefore, he quickly pulled back his thoughts.

He looked at Yun Qinian and said in a deep voice, "You really want to know?"

Yun Qinian didn't answer, but her gaze said everything.

Murong Chi sighed inaudibly.

"Well, since you insist, then I promise you, you come with me."

With that said, he turned around and walked out.

Yun Qinian frowned.

She was a little upset, but in order to know the truth, she only hesitated for two seconds before following.

Murong Chi took her to a very mysterious place.

This is a big room. After entering, I saw that there are all white or silver machines inside.

There is a ball-shaped thing in the middle, and the direction near the door is hollowed out. There is a seat inside, but it can accommodate one person to sit in.

Behind the ball, there are many delicate wires.

The other end of the wire is connected to the machine next to it.

There were lots of red, green and yellow lights on that machine, and in the silent room, it made a slight hum.

Yun Qinian frowned and asked, "What place is this?"

Murong Chi said calmly, "This is a laboratory."

Yun Qinian was a little surprised.

Then he blurted out, "What did you bring me to the lab for?"

Murong Chi turned to look at her.

As if he knew she would ask such a question a long time ago, his gaze was extraordinarily complicated.

He asked: "Don't you ask, what kind of laboratory is this?"

Yun Qinian: "???"

Before she could ask, Murong Chi explained directly.

"This is a medical laboratory. In terms of practical medicine, it is not accurate enough, because it has never really cured patients, but made those diseases worse, so I will never call it that."

Yun Qinian frowned even deeper.

"What does this have to do with me?"

She knew that the current science and technology are advanced, and there are many breakthroughs in medical skills.

Even now, there are already some appalling medical techniques that even she, a ghost doctor, can't understand.

Therefore, she did not doubt Murong Chi's words.

I heard Murong Chi say: "Because, your memory is lost here."

Yun Qinian's eyes widened in astonishment.

Murong Chi turned his head to look at her, and said calmly: "Nian Nian, didn't you say that you have already remembered some memory fragments, then have you remembered what happened to you six years ago?"

Yun Qinian frowned and thought about it.

For a while, he shook his head.

It's not that she deliberately concealed it, but that she didn't think it was necessary to tell Murong Chi about the matter between herself and Gu Jingchen.

As for the others, she really didn't think of them.

After all, it was a whole year of memories, and she didn't have any. This only shows that what she remembered was only a small part, and there were still many things that she didn't remember.

And these were obviously what Murong Chi wanted to ask.

Seeing her shake her head, Murong Chi's eyes obviously had a flash of disappointment.

But he still smiled very gentlemanly, and raised his hand to rub Yun Qinian's hair.

"It doesn't matter if you don't think about it, anyway, those things are in the past, and now it's a new beginning, there's nothing wrong with it."

Yun Qinian frowned and looked at him suspiciously.

It seemed that he didn't quite agree with what he said.

Murong Chi didn't explain any further, but just walked to the other side and turned on a switch.

The big ball in front of Yun Qinian's eyes suddenly started to spin.

(End of this chapter)

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