Chapter 540
She shook her head.

"It's a feeling that makes people more painful and more hesitant."

"You don't know anything about your past, so you don't know what's going to happen next, what you're going to face yourself."

"Life is like being loaded with an untimely bomb, which may explode at any time, and the source of that explosion is the memory you once disliked and desperately wanted to lose."

"In this world, facing the pain is never the most painful, the most painful is waiting for the pain."

As Yun Qinian said, she turned her head to look at Murong Chi.

There was still some pleading in those quiet eyes.

"Back then I was young and ignorant, thinking that escaping was the only solution, but now my people know it, it can't solve it at all, it just delays the pain."

"In this case, why can't I face it bravely? I don't think there is anything that can be defeated by me today."


She was no longer the innocent Yun Qinian six years ago.

Don't mention that six years have passed, her state of mind should have changed a lot.

Let's say that she has lived a new life, she is a person who has even experienced death, what else can crush her?

Murong Chi stood there, quietly clenched his hands.

I don't know if it was his delusion.

He always felt that the Yun Qinian standing in front of him now was different from the Yun Qinian he knew.

So strange... It was as if he had never known what the real her was like.

He didn't like this feeling.

But facing her request at this time, he couldn't refuse.

In the end, he still said: "I don't know the specifics, I only know that it has something to do with Gu Jingchen."

Yun Qinian was shocked violently.

She thought again of her strange dreams.

In those dreams, Gu Jingchen betrayed her again and again, which broke her heart completely.

She actually believed that those dreams were real.

But she felt incredible.

I can't believe that I really made such an important decision for this reason.

It is true that at that time she loved Gu Jingchen very much, and it was understandable that she wanted to forget him when she was hurt.

But really, just because of feelings?
What happened to the Miaomiao that Zhou Ye mentioned when he saw him before?

Yun Qinian frowned deeply.

Murong Chi felt a little distressed when he saw her frowning.

He said in relief: "I do know very little about this matter, so I can't help you. If you really want to know, you might as well ask Gu Jingchen directly. What happened at the beginning has a lot to do with him. He must know the truth. If he If I want to tell you, all that..."

"He won't tell."

Before he could finish speaking, Yun Qinian interrupted him.

His face was very ugly.

She remembered what Gu Jingchen told her last time.

No matter what, the dreams are all fake, and all of this may just be her imagination.

If it was really just her imagination, then what happened to everything she saw today?

Therefore, those are not her imaginations at all, but facts.

The reason why he refused to admit it was just trying to hide something!

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian's face became even more stinky.

She was silent for a while, and said: "Okay, I know about this, I'll go first."

(End of this chapter)

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