Chapter 552
That night, Yun Qinian was soundly asleep when she was suddenly awakened by a violent knock on the door.

She didn't know what happened, she got up in a daze and went to open the door. Unexpectedly, as soon as the door opened, a group of masked men in black rushed in.

Who is Yun Qinian?
On the surface, she is cute and charming, but in fact she is a modern superwoman who can carry and fight.

In this world, she has always been the only one to scare others, and no one else has ever frightened her.

Therefore, after being dazed for a short two seconds, she immediately reacted, and with a grab from the left and right, the two men in black who came to grab her were overturned to the ground.


The body was thrown heavily on the ground, making a dull sound.

Both of them were stunned by the fall, and at the same time, the photographer who followed was also stunned.

"Ah, this..."

At this time, Yun Qinian realized belatedly that the photographer was still there.

"You are..."

The cameraman explained embarrassingly, "Teacher Qi Nian, this is recording a program, it has already started."

Yun Qinian: "..."

Fortunately, the photographer's reaction was quick, and he immediately remedied: "It's okay, it's okay, anyway, the main purpose of our show is to strive for truth, since Teacher Qi Nian has woken up, then follow us to the hall to gather."

This was the first time Yun Qinian encountered such a variety show.

I didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and I suddenly dug people out of bed and went to the lobby to gather.

She had a weird feeling of being on a pirate ship.

Fortunately, she is very adaptable, so even if such a sudden situation occurs, she can quickly adapt to it.

After arriving at the lobby, Yun Qinian realized that not only her, but everyone was dragged down in their pajamas.

Everyone's clothes and hair were disheveled, and they looked like they were still awake, with expressions of dissatisfaction on their faces.

"What's going on? Why did you ask us to come down so late?"

"Record the show now? Is the show crew human? Have you checked the time?"

"Look, it's three o'clock in the middle of the night, which show starts recording at three o'clock in the middle of the night?"

"The program group is not a human being, I regret it, and I don't want to record it."

A group of people stood there chattering, talking about everything.

Yun Qinian and Murong Chi looked at each other across the air, the other party was wearing a black silk pajamas today, which suited his temperament very well, standing there from a distance, his skin was as white as snow, almost transparent.

He smiled and said, "The old routine of the program group, didn't it bother you?"

Yun Qinian shook her head.

It must have been noisy, but she didn't mind that much.

Anyway, she went to bed very early last night, even if she woke up now, she wasn't too sleepy.

Soon, the director team came over.

Seeing the guests with angry faces, they were obviously a little guilty.

The lead editor smiled and said: "Everyone got up so early? It seems that you slept well last night. Are the beds in our hotel comfortable?"

Guests: "..."

A big white eye rolled over.

Please experience the content yourself.

When the director saw this, he knew that everyone was upset.

He stopped continuing this topic, coughed, and began to read the next recording.

It turned out that the plane booked by the program group for everyone was at six o'clock this morning.

Because there was a twelve-hour time difference from where they were going, after arriving there, their first program was to participate in a local beer music festival tonight.

This music festival is scheduled to start at eight o'clock tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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