Chapter 555 Duplicity
However, Ran Yue was not there at this time.

Therefore, all anger is in vain.

Yun Qinian took a deep breath, tried to suppress the anger in her heart, and persuaded herself to be calm and calm.

As for the director team, seeing that the momentum was not right, they quickly left after explaining all the rules.

Only seven of their guests and a bunch of camera crews were left at the scene.

It wasn't until this time that a group of guests began to really complain.

"Oh my god! What kind of crap program is this? You actually want us to make money?"

"What about eating, drinking, and having fun? What about traveling happily? How did you become a street bum in the end? And make money for yourself?"

"I want to ask now, is it still too late to terminate the contract?"

A courageous photographer said with a smile: "If there is time, just pay the liquidated damages."

The guest who said the contract was terminated: "..."

He stretched out his hand and walked towards him.

"Come, come, no, I don't quite understand the legal issues related to the termination of the contract, come, let's have a chat alone."

Everyone held back their smiles and watched the two of them walking side by side with shoulder to shoulder.

Since Wen Wenjun is a tour guide, he is responsible for guiding everyone.

Therefore, the people who met the director's team also left, and it was getting late, and there was still a long way to go from this place to the airport, not to mention the ticket procedures and other issues.

So there really can't be any further delay.

Therefore, he stood up and said, "Everyone, be quiet and listen to me."

"Since the situation has come to this point, there is nothing we can do. Anyway, everyone is from a literary background. Isn't it just a music festival? Let's take it down tonight and fight for the next three days. We want to How about eating as much as you want, drinking as much as you want, and no longer being restrained by them?"

As you all know, this is a recorded program.

If you complain about it, you still have to abide by the contract.

So they all joined together.

"it is good!"

"Okay, we all listen to Wen Ge."

Seeing this, Wen Wenjun said, "Okay, since this is the case, let's set off now."

So, a group of people set off together and rushed to the airport.

Yun Qinian wasn't sleepy when she was in the hotel before, but after getting in the car, she was a little sleepy.

She was sitting in the back seat, leaning against the car window, feeling a little sleepy.

Murong Chi was sitting next to her. Seeing her listless look, he reminded in a low voice: "You may be very tired these few days. If you are really sleepy, just sleep in the car for a while. From here to the airport, you will need a nap." It's an hour's journey."

Yun Qinian turned her head to look at him, saw the high-definition camera next to him, and immediately shook her head.

"It's okay, I'm not sleepy."

Said, yawned.

Murong Chi: "..."

He laughed at the woman's duplicity, bent down and took out a pink thermos from a small bag at his feet, and handed it to her.

"Then drink some water. I added agarwood in it to protect your throat and be good for your health."

Yun Qinian looked at the thermos in front of her, and suddenly remembered the one Gu Jingchen gave her before.

At that time, the man was the same, she went to the set to film, and he was already so busy, but he still remembered these trivial things about her and life.

No one outside would have imagined that a CEO like him, who manages so many things every day, would care about whether she drank water or whether she ate or not.

Unexplainably, Yun Qinian felt a little anxious, raised her hand and pushed away the cup that Murong Chi handed over.

(End of this chapter)

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