Chapter 57 Stop Them
"What trick?"

Xu Jiamu waved at her.

Yun Qinian had no choice but to attach her ears.

He only heard him whisper: "Imagine the opponent as someone you like, and it won't be so embarrassing when you act again."

Yun Qinian: "..."

She glanced at Xu Jiamu suspiciously, "Really?"

Xu Jiamu nodded heavily.

"Of course, do you have someone you like?"

"Of course there is."


Yun Qinian froze for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and said nothing more.

Xu Jiamu refused to let her go easily, and the two brothers bumped into her shoulders.

"Don't be afraid, I won't tell it, just tell me."

Yun Qinian glanced at him in disgust.

"Why should I tell you? Don't bother me, I have to do some more psychological construction!"

After speaking, he sat aside with the script in his hand.

Seeing her fleeing back, Xu Jiamu bent his lips.

There are many newcomers in this circle, but he hasn't seen such a spirited and clean girl for a long time.

I don't know if this movie will have a place in her heart after the filming is finished.

Yun Qinian held the notebook and memorized the lines silently. What she didn't notice was that not far away, a slender figure was staring at her with envy.

Seeing the way Xu Jiamu looked at her, he stomped his feet bitterly, turned and left.


Yun Qinian quickly completed the psychological construction.

She returned to Lin Senwei.

"Director, I'm fine."

Lin Senwei looked at her with a half-smile, "That's great?"

"Well, come on!"

She has made up her mind this time.

Isn't it just a kissing scene?

At worst, she was ready to go home and kneel on the washboard first.

Anyway, it's all drama, not real.

I believe that as long as she admits her mistakes with a good attitude, Gu Jingchen will not care about her.

Yun Qinian made up her mind and rushed to the scene with a fearless spirit.

And here, Xu Jiamu looked at her posture as if she was going to the execution ground, smiled helplessly, and followed her.

Following the director's order, the two started acting again from the beginning.

This time, with enough mental construction, Yun Qinian's filming was much smoother than that of Kamijou.

However, when he was about to kiss Xu Jiamu, he still stopped.

The man's face in his mind couldn't get rid of it, and the lips stopped in mid-air, and he couldn't kiss him anymore.

Lin Senwei had no choice but to call out "ka."

"I'm sorry, Director."

Just as Yun Qinian was about to explain, Lin Senwei waved his hand understandingly.

"It's okay, it's okay, everyone has a first time! There are only two, don't worry. You have performed well in front, as long as this scene is over, there will be no problem."

Yun Qinian bit her lip.

Seeing her embarrassed look, Xu Jiamu took the initiative to say: "Director, why don't we delete this kiss scene, or if it's really not possible, what do you think about us borrowing seats?"

Lin Senwei frowned upon hearing this.

"No, the scene of this scene cannot be filmed by borrowing seats. You should get familiar with it and try again later."

For this sake, Yun Qinian couldn't say anything.

I had no choice but to step aside again, squatting down in frustration.

Xu Jiamu walked over to comfort her, and this scene happened to be seen by Ke Ke who came over.

The little brow wrinkled at once.

Uncle smelly, he's seducing his mommy again!
Although he had never seen Yun Qinian before today.

But according to his investigation, he already knew that there are many men around Mommy.

They all want to take Mommy away.

This uncle must be one of them!
Coco rolled her eyes nimbly.

At this moment, Aunt Li's cell phone rang, who was following behind.

After she connected, she only said one sentence, and then looked at Ke Ke with a embarrassed face.

"Master, sir's phone number."

Ke Ke glanced at her, said nothing, and took the phone over.


On the opposite side, Gu Jingchen's voice was full of anger, which made people feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts.

"Gu-Yi-Ke! Are you itchy again? Are you addicted to playing games after running away from home?"

This is not the first time that Coco has run away from home, but it was only limited to the imperial capital before.

This time, they ran to Pingcheng.

Facing Gu Jingchen's terrifying anger, Keke was not afraid.

He even snorted slightly disapprovingly.

"Daddy, stop bluffing me with your presidency. I didn't run away from home at all. I just came to find Mommy."

Gu Jingchen froze.

When he spoke again, his voice became a little colder.

"I'll give you half an hour, go to the airport immediately, and go back to the imperial capital! Do you hear me?"

Ke Ke let out a low "oh", and scratched her fingers indifferently.

"I can go back, but I have to go, your wife may not be your wife anymore, you have to think clearly."

Gu Jingchen: "???"

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, it's just that Mommy is going to have a kissing scene with another man. Do you think there is anyone else besides me who can stop this from happening?"

Gu Jingchen took a deep breath and said coldly, "I'll call the investor right away."

"That's too late."

Coco raised her eyes and glanced at the set.

I saw that Yun Qinian was ready again, walked to the scene with Xu Jiamu, and started shooting the third one.

Ke Ke pouted her lips in dissatisfaction, but said nothing.

"Daddy, let's make a deal! You let me stay with Mommy, I promise not to expose your cowardly nature, and help you stop this kissing scene, how about it?"

Gu Jingchen: "..."

If he heard correctly, was he threatened by his son just now?

Still trading?
Ah!Big fart kid, trade a fart!
Gu Jingchen was about to refuse, when he heard Xiaotuanzi's milking voice on the opposite side.

"Ah, hug, hug, kiss me!"

His heart tightened, and he subconsciously said, "Stop me!"


Ke Ke grinned badly, threw the phone into Aunt Li's arms, and ran to the set with short legs.


It was hard for Yun Qinian to convince herself not to treat the person in front of her as a piece of pork.

Just as he was about to kiss her regardless, a magical voice suddenly came into his head, and immediately after, someone slammed his body hard, and his thigh was hugged by a milk ball.


She lowered her head, looking in astonishment at Ke Ke who suddenly rushed out from nowhere.

"You, why are you here?"

Immediately afterwards, realizing something was wrong, he quickly changed his words.

"No, why are you yelling at people again? I told you I'm not your mommy!"

However, her explanation seemed so pale at this moment.

Because the whole set, not only her rival actor Xu Jiamu, but also Lin Senwei and the rest of the staff sitting behind the screen were stunned.


Joy from heaven!
Is Yun Qinian becoming a mother?

When Yun Qinian saw everyone's eyes, she knew that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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