Chapter 571 No Comments
He Xiaoxue made a choice first.

"I want to share a room with Nian Nian."

As she spoke, she ran over and hugged Yun Qinian's arm.

Wen Wenjun turned his head and glanced at Murong Chi.

"If you don't mind, let us three boys share one room, and give up the other two to their girls."

The seven people who came out this time, except for Wen Wenjun, Murong Chi and Li Fei, the other four are all girls.

The three of them share a room, and the other four can just share a room in pairs.

Murong Chi nodded, "I have no objection."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Li Fei again.

Li Fei quickly waved his hand.

"Of course I have no problem."

So, the matter of room allocation was settled like this.

Today everyone has been running around for a day and had such a good time at night, so they all went back to the room, washed up and went to sleep.

When the two of them lay on the bed, He Xiaoxue was so sleepy that he was still asking questions.

"What's the matter with you and Murong Chi? You two still have to record the program for more than 20 days. How embarrassing is it that you are arguing? It really doesn't work. I'll help you make peace."

Yun Qinian came out of the bathroom in her nightgown and glanced at her.

"No need." She said softly, "We've already made up."


He Xiaoxue was so startled that he dozed off and sat up from the bed.

"Reconciled so quickly? This speed is too fast."

Yun Qinian smiled.

"Why, hurry up and make up, okay? To save you embarrassment, right?"

He Xiaoxue stuck out her tongue.

"I don't know if it's embarrassing for others. Anyway, I feel a little embarrassed. It's just that you two had such a good relationship before and suddenly became cold. Let alone us, even if it's filmed and seen by the audience, it's not too good. .”

Yun Qinian smiled.

She knew that this was He Xiaoxue's kindness.

As a public figure, every word and deed falls in the eyes of the audience, and one cannot tell others what to say. This is the experience summed up by seniors like He Xiaoxue who have worked hard in the entertainment industry for more than ten years.

She said sincerely: "I know, thank you."

I really appreciate it.

These people who appeared in her life have great kindness towards her.

Even if she has experienced the pain of the previous life, she can still feel love in this life and have the courage to love.

Of course He Xiaoxue didn't know what she was thinking, she just reminded her casually based on experience, but she didn't expect to get such a solemn thank you, and she was a little embarrassed for a while.

"Uh huh, that's not necessary, I'm just talking casually."

"Well, it's getting late, let's rest."


The two didn't talk any more and fell asleep together.

the next day.

Yun Qinian was awakened by a particularly loud horn.

As if her head was about to explode, a loud sound bombarded her ears.

Yun Qinian got up from the bed violently, and roared: "Who? Are you dying so loudly?"

She has the spirit of getting up, but it's not obvious at ordinary times.

She was so tired yesterday and slept late, and it's only seven o'clock in the morning, who is yelling at her outside?

He Xiaoxue next to him also woke up, rubbing his eyes in dissatisfaction, also very broken down.

"Ah, let people live? The noise started at seven o'clock in the morning. Can someone take care of it?"

However, no one stepped forward to stop it.

The horns outside continued, as if they would not stop until they were arguing.

Yun Qinian was completely angry.

(End of this chapter)

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