Chapter 574
And this time, the other side.

In an old-fashioned room, three men stood facing each other.

One of them had a black mask on his face and looked at the two men standing opposite him.

He asked: "Are you ready for the task entrusted to you by the superior?"

Both men nodded at the same time.

"It's all ready."

"When do you decide to do it?"

One of the men frowned and replied: "It's too eye-catching during the day, and there are too many people accompanying them, I'm afraid it's not easy to start, even if they succeed, it's easy to make things worse, so we decided to single her out." It’s time to start.”

The man in the lead frowned slightly upon hearing this.

But probably because what the other party said was true, he didn't say anything.

Nodding his head, he ordered: "Remember, this operation is only allowed to succeed and not to fail, do you understand?"


"After the matter is completed, the money will be transferred to your family's account. No matter what happens, you are not allowed to reveal the person behind it, otherwise you should know the result."

"We know, please rest assured, we are all trustworthy people, and we will never spit you out."

"That's good."

The leading man gave them another majestic look, then turned and left without saying anything.


Here, Yun Qinian and the others managed to finish visiting the four scenic spots today according to the task.

By the time work was over and ready to return to the hotel, it was already late at night.

It was nine o'clock in the evening, and the last time everyone ate was at noon.

After an afternoon of shopping, the food I ate at noon has long been digested.

At this time, I just feel hungry, so hungry that I am going crazy.

He Xiaoxue hugged her stomach, slumped on a chair, and said, "If I had known that the program team only arranged lunch at noon, I should have eaten more at noon, so as not to be so hungry at night."

Lu Shiqi smiled and said: "That's not okay, overeating and drinking can easily damage your stomach. Fortunately, I brought a lot of instant noodles when I came out this time. If you don't mind, I'll cook them for you when I go back later. "

He Xiaoxue's eyes lit up immediately.

He stretched out his hand and pinched her collagen-covered face, and said with a smile: "Our little Shiqi is really caring, so let me thank you first."

Lu Shiqi felt a little embarrassed when she pinched her face.

She blushed and said, "You're welcome."

After the group discussed it, they decided to return to the hotel to eat instant noodles as soon as possible.

But at this moment, Lu Shiqi suddenly oops.

Li Fei asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

She was touching her bag, her face pale.

Yun Qinian frowned, and understood what was happening almost instantly, and asked her, "Did you lose something?"

Lu Shiqi raised her pale face, and said with a mournful face: "It's over, I seem to have lost our wallet."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Because Wen Wenjun didn't bring a bag when he went out today, and He Xiaoxue is a big horse, and the rest of the people are not too willing to manage money.

Therefore, Wen Wenjun put all their money in the bag of Lu Shiqi, who usually looks more cautious.

Unexpectedly, her wallet would drop.

He Xiaoxue said quickly: "Look again, have you found everything in your bag?"

"I found them all."

Lu Shiqi looked like she was about to cry out of fright, and dumped everything in the backpack on the car seat.

(End of this chapter)

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