Chapter 576
He Xiaoxue was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded quickly.

"That's the box you put your snacks in, right? I know."

"Yes, that's the box."

Lu Shiqi said, and even gestured, "I'll trouble you to cook it yourself, there are a lot of pickled mustard and seasonings in it, you can take it."

He Xiaoxue nodded.

Yun Qinian and Lu Shiqi turned around and left.

It was already late at night.

There are a lot of cars on the street, and this is an urban area, so it's easier to take a taxi.

Therefore, the two hailed a taxi casually, took a mirror photographer with them, got into the car and drove to the museum that evening.

At the same time, on the street not far away, an unremarkable black car looked at the direction they were leaving and gestured to the person in the driver's seat.

The driver immediately started the car and followed.

Yun Qinian and Lu Shiqi sat in the car and didn't notice anything wrong behind them.

After arriving at the museum, the two went to the ticket office.

At this time, the ticket office has changed from two staff during the day to one person.

He was sitting there watching the drama, probably heard someone standing in front of the window, without looking up, he touched the ticket book and said, "One hundred euros per person."

With that said, we are about to start tearing up tickets.

Yun Qinian spoke out quickly, using the purest Y language.

"Hello, did you pick up a pink lady's purse here today?"

She remembered that Lu Shiqi's wallet was pink.

Hearing this, the staff really raised their heads.

First he took a serious look at her, and then at Lu Shiqi standing behind her.

Then he asked, "Did you lose your wallet?"


Yun Qinian quickly told when and why she lost the wallet and what she just discovered.

The staff did not show a surprised expression.

Just asked, "So can you recap what's in your wallet?"

Yun Qinian didn't know about this.

So he turned to look at Lu Shiqi who was standing behind him.

Lu Shiqi quickly described it to her.

"There are all our money, about 500 euros in cash, some of my documents, and my photo inside. You can ask him to take it out and see."

Since Lu Shiqi's language in country Y is not good, he spoke to her in Chinese.

After Yun Qinian finished listening, she repeated what she said to the staff.

Seeing this, the staff opened the side drawer and took out a wallet from it.

Opening the wallet, he counted the money first, then took out his ID and photo and looked at Lu Shiqi's face for comparison.

There was indeed no mistake, so he handed over the wallet.

"It is indeed your wallet. It was picked up by my colleague, and it was put here specially for you to come and get it. If you don't come tomorrow, we will hand it over to the police station."

Holding the wallet, Lu Shiqi almost cried with joy.

Thank him repeatedly.

It's not because of how much money is in it, but because she can't lose the documents here, otherwise it will be very troublesome later.

Secondly, although there is not much money in it, everyone earns it together.

That night, everyone worked so hard to earn such a little money. If she really lost it, she would blame herself to death.

Seeing this, the staff saw that the two little girls didn't mean it, so they didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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