Chapter 582 Don't worry
Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

"What? You two were attacked? Or on the road?"


Yun Qinian smiled helplessly, stopping their concern in time.

"Okay, don't ask any more questions now, anyway, we are fine, and now we are still in a hurry to go to the police station, what's the matter, let's talk about it when we come back."

After hearing this, everyone knows that the most important thing right now is not to explain to them, but to explain to the police.

So I didn't ask any more questions.

Just looking at them, the eyes are still full of worry and concern.

Yun Qinian pulled Lu Shiqi to go out.

But at this moment, Murong Chi suddenly stood up.

"I'll go with you."

As soon as he stood up, Wen Wenjun also said immediately: "Yes, it is too inappropriate and dangerous for you two girls to go out to call the police when this kind of thing happened to you two girls. According to me, we should Let's all go with you."

"Yeah yeah."

For this kind of thing, He Xiaoxue has always been the most serious and active.

Although she was tired all day today, she is already tired like a dog now.

But considering the safety of the two of them, she still has a duty to do so.

She said with a serious face: "Anyway, it's really too dangerous for the two of you to go out alone, and we can't let it go no matter what, you can take us with you, and just tell us , What happened just now?"

Yun Qinian frowned imperceptibly.

To these people, she can hide half of it and tell half of it.

But for the police, it is unlikely.

As for what happened tonight, that's unlikely.

Therefore, she was unwilling to bring so many people with her.

So at this moment, He Xiaoxue's proposal seemed kind, but it was actually very embarrassing for her.

Probably seeing her embarrassment, Murong Chi suddenly said forcefully: "Okay, everyone doesn't need to argue anymore."

"I know that you are all worried about them for the sake of Nian Nian, but everyone is indeed too tired today, the show is still being recorded, and there will be many new activities tomorrow, and you need to get up early, so everyone should rest early."

"If you really want to protect, it's enough for me to go alone. Don't worry, I will bring them back safely."

Murong Chi has been in the entertainment circle for so many years, although he is very young, he is still not yet 30 years old.

But over the years, the biggest impression he has left on people is that he is reliable.

So when he said this, most of the worries in everyone's hearts disappeared immediately.

I no longer insisted on going together.

"That's fine, then you should pay attention to safety on the road, no matter what happens, be the first to call us."

"it is good."

After Murong Chi responded, he turned his head and glanced at Yun Qinian.

That gaze clearly said: Still not leaving?Waiting for them to repent?
Yun Qinian's heart froze slightly.

In the end, he had to compromise after all, and walked out with him.

Fortunately, she and Murong Chi have revealed their cards now, so they don't worry about what he knows.

So even if you take him there, it doesn't matter what he sees.

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian let go of her worries.

Soon, a group of three arrived at the local police station.

At this time, it was already past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

Except for a few police officers on duty, everyone in the police station has gone to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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