After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 59 Punishing Traitors and Eliminating Evil

Chapter 59 Punishing Traitors and Eliminating Evil

A big black voice came from the opposite side.

Yun Qinian asked: "Is there any clue about what I told you last time?"

"Yes, I checked Lin Yuan's whereabouts in recent months and found a very interesting secret. I have already sent the photo to your mailbox. Boss, please take a look."

Yun Qinian let out a "hmm".

"Okay, I'll go see it now."

She hung up the phone, and when she opened the mailbox, she saw that there was indeed an encrypted email in it.

After opening it, I saw a few photos inside.

The photo shows Lin Yuan and another strange man, the two of them are either holding hands or arm in arm, going in and out of different hotels, hotels, and private residences.

At first glance, it is not an ordinary relationship.

Yun Qinian's face completely darkened.

Originally, she was just looking for the latest traces of Lin Yuan with the mentality of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, she really found out something.

Lin Yuan and Yun Fan have been married for more than ten years, and their relationship has always been very good.

Lin Yuan is very good at blowing pillows, and it can be said that he has deceived Yunfan all these years.

Yun Qinian thought that she should be satisfied with this step.

Unexpectedly, there were other men outside.

Thinking of the suffering he suffered because of Lin Yuan in his previous life, the corners of Yun Qinian's mouth curled up cruelly.

Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan, they all say that people's hearts are not enough.

Since you dare to cheat, then accept the price of cheating!
Before Yun Qinian was still very entangled, not knowing whether the child in Lin Yuan's belly belonged to Yun Fan or not.

But now she wasn't bothered at all.

Anyway, regardless of whether it is true or not, as long as these photos are seen by Yunfan, that child must not be.

However, how can such good evidence be presented to Yunfan?
You have to choose a good way, right?

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian laughed playfully.


When she returned to the room, she saw Ke Ke sitting there sternly, staring at her with tight lips.

Yun Qinian walked over and rubbed the top of his soft head.

"Little guy, what are you looking at?"

Coco raised her small arms, unhappily smoothing out her messy hair.

Then I asked, "Auntie, who were you talking on the phone with just now? Why did you become so happy all of a sudden?"

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows.

Is she happy?

She had to admit that she was really happy to have caught Lin Yuan's trick.

But what does this have to do with Xiaotuanzi?
Yun Qinian smiled and said, "Little guy, let me ask you a question."

Coco blinked curiously.

"What's the problem?"

"You said that if we encounter bad people, shouldn't we punish rape and eliminate evil, and punish him well?"

"Of course!"

"Then if Auntie is going to punish the bad guys, do you want to follow her to have a look?"

Coco looked at her with wide eyes.

After a moment, he nodded, "Think."

Yun Qinian smiled and said: "Okay! Let's just say that, Auntie will take you to watch the excitement tonight!"

That night.

Yun Qinian took Ke Ke back to Pingcheng.

Aunt Li is used to her behavior of returning to Pingcheng every now and then.

Therefore, there is no question.

After Yun Qinian returned to Pingcheng with Ke Ke, she found the location of Lin Yuan's lover based on the clues provided by Da Hei.

At this time, it was only after eight o'clock in the evening, and it was time for dinner.

Everyone in the Yun family was having dinner at a high-end restaurant to celebrate Lin Yuan's pregnancy.

And as far as Yun Qinian knew, Lin Yuan's lover was the lobby manager of this restaurant.

If she remembered correctly, Lin Yuan in her previous life liked to bring them to this restaurant for consumption.

On the surface, it was because the food in this restaurant suited her taste, but in fact, it was just for the convenience of meeting an old lover.

Yun Qinian first hacked into Lin Yuan's mobile phone through the computer in the car.

Soon, she found the man's contact information in her frequent contacts.

She imitated Lin Yuan's tone and sent a text message to the other party.

Then, through the phone number, he hacked into the man's cell phone.

She also sent a text message to Lin Yuan in the tone of the other party.

Make an appointment for the two to meet in a box on the second floor of the restaurant before turning off the computer.

When she was operating the computer, Ke Ke was watching without blinking her eyes.

He is not an ordinary child. When he was two years old, someone measured his IQ as high as 160.

This is the highest IQ measured so far, even more genius than a genius.

Therefore, he started to learn computers when he was three years old, and he was proficient in some basic programming knowledge when he was four years old.

If he was right, what Yun Qinian was using just now was some Trojan horse program or something.

But in his impression, isn't Mommy an ordinary rich lady?
Why are these hacker things?
Isn't Mommy actually as simple as it seems?
After Yun Qinian turned off the computer, she realized that the little bun next to her had been staring at her.

Realizing something, she quickly raised a finger to her lips and let out a "shh".

"Coco, promise Auntie, don't tell others about Auntie's knowledge of computers, including what happened tonight. This is a secret between us, is that okay?"

Coco looked at her and nodded.


"So nice."

Yun Qinian never thought that the child in front of him could understand Trojan horse programming.

She only reminded her just in case.

Therefore, after the agreement was made, I didn't take it to heart.

Calculating that the time is almost up, she opened the car door and said, "Ke Ke, get out of the car, let's go watch the fun."

Ke Ke also jumped off the co-pilot, and the two walked towards the restaurant holding hands.

This is a high-end restaurant in Pingcheng. In addition to the ordinary dining and seating on the first floor, there are many VIP boxes on the second floor.

The box that Yunfan booked is in the middle on the left hand side on the second floor.

As for the text message Yun Qinian just sent to Lin Yuan and her lover, the agreed room was the innermost one on the left hand side of the second floor.

Thinking that the time was coming, she said to Ke Ke, "Ke Ke, can you do Auntie a favor?"

Coco looked up at her.

"What are you busy with?"

Yun Qinian knelt down and whispered something in his ear.

Coco nodded immediately.

"okay, I get it."

He let go of Yun Qinian's hand and ran towards the box.

in the box.

Yunfan drank a few more glasses of wine today because he was happy, and his face was already hot.

He stroked his full stomach and said with a smile: "Qianyu, I am so happy today. Your mother can give me a big fat son. She is the hero of our entire Yun family. I will definitely reward her well in the future." .”

Yun Qianyu also smiled and said, "It's not due to Dad, Dad, I'll toast you again."

Yun Fan smiled and picked up the wine glass, the two touched each other and were about to drink.

At this moment, there was a childish cry from outside the door.

Yun Fan paused his hands in the air, and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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