Chapter 596
After confirming that it was correct, he said: "Just now I heard you and this gentleman quarreling here, did something happen?"

Yun Qinian frowned slightly.

"You don't know him?"

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the first time for a person like this man to come here.

The owner of the Internet cafe should know him.

But looking at the boss's appearance, it seemed that he had never seen him before.

This is really strange.

The boss smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm really sorry, I only listed this store last week, and I don't know much about this place, so I haven't seen him either."

Yun Qinian understood immediately.

No wonder, she said that as the boss, how could she not know this kind of ruffian.

So, she told the boss what happened just now.

The boss frowned after hearing this.

He turned his head to look at the gangster, and said a few words to him in the local dialect.

The other party immediately showed a guilty expression.

Seeing this, Yun Qinian took out her mobile phone and asked him, "Do you need to call the police? I can call for you."

"no need."

The shop owner hurriedly stopped her and said with a smile: "It's just a misunderstanding, he didn't mean it, and it's indeed the first time he came to our place, so let's forget it."

After finishing speaking, he said a few words to that bastard seriously.

After listening to the gangster, he showed a helpless and resentful expression.

In the end, he just glared at Yun Qinian bitterly, turned around and left without daring to say anything more.

Seeing this situation, Yun Qinian guessed in her heart that there was probably some black background behind that gangster.

The boss was afraid of offending him and causing trouble for himself, so he turned the big thing into a small one.

Left and right she just came here to borrow a computer. To put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with her.

Since the boss doesn't pursue it, she naturally has no need to pursue it.

So, she waved the boss away and sat down in front of the computer.

Continue what you didn't finish just now.

She mainly wanted to come here this time to find out who the person whose ID is Missy is.

Although she already had a vague guess in her heart.

But after all, it has to be confirmed before it can be dealt with.

Fortunately, this kind of thing is not difficult for her.

Such a small broken firewall, she broke it easily.

After it was broken, it was very easy to get the other party's information.

The moment she saw the other party's profile, she raised her eyebrows, and a flash of surprise flashed through her.

Is it her?

She originally thought that those who did it would be some people on the road.

Like the ones she offended before.

But unexpectedly, it would be Huangfuyu.

Huangfuyu had already sent someone to assassinate her once before, and now he called these two men who were even better.

What on earth is she thinking?

Yun Qinian couldn't help laughing.

I think this is really ridiculous.

After thinking about it, she closed the website, cleaned up the browsing traces left by herself, and then stood up and walked out.

Before reaching the door, he was stopped by a waiter.

I saw him handing over a gift box respectfully, and said with a smile: "Hello, miss, this is a small gift specially given to you by our boss to make up for the harassment and fright you received in our store today. I hope you acceptable."

Yun Qinian was stunned for a moment, looked at the gift box, and then at the bar not far away.

I saw the boss standing there, saw her look over, and gave her a friendly smile.

(End of this chapter)

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