After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 598 I don't want to live anymore

Chapter 598 I don't want to live anymore
"Sorry, I just had a stomachache and went to the bathroom. I heard someone broke in. Who broke in?"

As soon as he came in, he saw Yun Qinian standing there.

Suddenly stunned.

"Huh? Why are you?"

Everyone was stunned.

"No, you know her?" A servant asked.

"do not know."

The security guard shook his head quickly, then walked in, looked Yun Qinian up and down, and frowned.

"Didn't I tell you not to come in? Why did you run in by yourself?"

Only then did everyone understand that Yun Qinian was stopped by security outside just now.

Realizing this, the headed servant suddenly gained confidence.

"Why are you like this? Everyone told you not to let you in, but you actually ran in by yourself. Security guard, drive her out immediately!"

When the security guard heard this, he was about to come up and do it immediately.

Unexpectedly, it was too late, it was so fast, I saw Yun Qinian holding his wrist and twisting it lightly, no one could see how she made the move, the security guard had already been twisted behind his back with one hand, and then he felt As soon as there was pain in the hollow of the knee, the whole person knelt down directly.

Kneeling on the hard floor, there was a soft "bang".

Everyone was startled.

The security guard also screamed in pain.

"Ah, you woman, you dare to do something to me, you don't want to live anymore."

Yun Qinian sneered.

"Is it because I don't want to live anymore, or you don't want to live anymore? Dogs look down on people who are inferior, and don't take a pee to see what they look like."

As he spoke, he straddled his long legs and twisted them again.

The other hand of the security guard was also stepped on the ground, lying there in a very twisted and weird posture.

It hurts so much that he can't even scream now.

Yun Qinian remained indifferent, but said coldly to the servants: "I'll give you one minute now to invite your master out, if you can't do it, you can wait one minute later. I'll just break off one of his fingers, whether he will be disabled or good in this life, it's all in your hands, I hope you can understand."

Hearing this, the security guard was terrified.

He stuttered and begged for mercy.

The servant was a little annoyed.

After all, he is a big man, but he was captured by a woman.

He also said that he used to be a mercenary, and came here to work as a security guard after he retired.

Isn't he joking?

But the servant only saw the surface.

What she didn't know was that the security guard wanted to resist, but he had to be able to resist.

This woman doesn't know where she got such strength.

Looking at her, she seemed to be very relaxed, but she couldn't get up no matter how hard she pushed him to the ground.

It's simply evil!

Seeing the servant standing there refusing to move, Yun Qinian said, "I'll count to three, one, two, three..."


There was only a crisp sound, and then, the security guard let out a howl like a wolf, and sweat burst out of the pain.

A finger was broken off.

Yun Qinian turned to look at the servant.

"How about it, do you want to try the next one?"

Where has the servant seen this battle?

She was frightened and angry at the same time, her lips were trembling.

He wanted to ask the eldest lady to come down, but his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't take a step out.

Yun Qinian never thought that she would be so timid, seeing her standing there motionless, she thought she was unwilling to shout.

(End of this chapter)

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