After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 601 She Don't Know

Chapter 601 She Don't Know
Wen Wenjun nodded.

"Yeah, didn't Ah Chi also go out today? I thought they were together, but I didn't expect that."

While talking, he sent their address to Yun Qinian.

Yun Qinian replied with an OK expression, and then took a taxi to their address.

And here, after listening to Wen Wenjun's words, He Xiaoxue smiled and said, "Maybe each has their own business, as long as they can come back."

Seeing this, Wen Wenjun naturally couldn't say much.

I could only nod my head a little uneasy.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Murong Chi was also rushing towards them.

It stands to reason that he went to Huangfuyu before Yun Qinian, and also came out from Huangfuyu first.

Then he should have found Wen Wenjun and the others earlier.

But in fact, after he came out from Huangfuyu, he went to another place.

It's just that most people don't know about this place.

Because of the delay in that place, when he was about to go back, he found that it was already a bit late.

At this time, Yun Qinian must have returned to the hotel.

Just as Murong Chi was thinking this way, the phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID above, he raised the corners of his lips.

Then, press ON.

"Hey, read it."

"Murong Chi, I heard that you also left this morning?"


Facing Yun Qinian's question, Murong Chi did not hide it.

He said honestly: "There is something that needs to be dealt with, so I left temporarily."

Yun Qinian asked suspiciously, "Is it about the Hunter Association?"

After all, apart from this, she really couldn't think of anything else that would make him leave halfway.

Opposite, Murong Chi paused.

I don't know what he was thinking.

In short, it was silent for a few seconds, and then said helplessly: "Are you very interested in my affairs?"

Yun Qinian said coldly: "Don't dare to answer? Don't forget, I am the president of the Hunter Association now. If it really happened in the association, you should have the responsibility to inform me."

Murong Chi hesitated again.

As if at this time, she remembered her as the president.

Helplessly and dotingly smiled and said: "Yes, my president, I'm really sorry, I was too busy and forgot, um, it's a matter in the meeting."

Yun Qinian crossed her arms, and said a little arrogantly: "Then tell me, what is it?"

Murong Chi had no choice but to casually talk about a few things that happened in country Y in the past two days.

Fortunately, Yun Qinian just wanted to make a phone call to cheat him, and didn't really want to ask the bottom line.

So after hearing that he had gone so smoothly, he answered, and didn't delve into it further.

"Okay, I'm going to Mr. Wen's side now, I'll send you the address, you can come here too."

"it is good."

After Yun Qinian finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

After sending him the address, soon after, Murong Chi replied with a message indicating receipt.

She just put away the phone.

Due to the location of the two, they are not far from Wen Wenjun and the others.

So, in about half an hour, it's here.

At this time, Wen Wenjun and others were eating in a relatively small restaurant.

Seeing them coming, he quickly raised his hand to greet them.

The two of them were not polite either, and after walking directly over, they sat down in the seats temporarily vacated by them.

Then he asked, "What is our itinerary this afternoon?"

(End of this chapter)

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