Chapter 614 No Concealment
Probably because he knew that he couldn't fool him like this.

In the end, Yun Qinian sighed helplessly and rubbed the space between her brows in distress.

"Okay, I'll tell you if you want to know, anyway, there's nothing I can't say."

In her opinion, the misunderstanding between herself and Gu Jingchen was basically explained.

Therefore, there is no need for any more secrets between the two.

So next, she told Gu Jingchen all the news she went to and got from old man Qi this afternoon.

It turned out that not only was Yun Qinian not Ye Wanxin's daughter, she was not even from the Ye family.

More than twenty years ago, Huangfu Xin, the eldest daughter of the Huangfu family, fell in love with a poor boy from the countryside.

The two were attracted by each other's talents, and finally came together regardless of everyone's opposition.

But it happened that at that time, the Huangfu family was divided.

Many people were dissatisfied with this wayward young lady, so they discussed and decided to kill her together and take her position.

Old man Qi didn't know what happened at that time, so he couldn't tell Yun Qinian.

Naturally, Yun Qinian was even more unclear.

All she knew was that Huangfu Xin was in a very dangerous situation at that time.

She and her husband lost their lives, so they could only do their best to protect their newborn child.

It was also at that time that a person stood up.

This person is Ruan Yuzhen, the godmother who took care of Yun Qinian for a long time.

It was she who stole that little child from Huangfu's house.

Moreover, he handed her over to his close friend Ye Wanxin to raise her.

At that time, Ye Wanxin actually had her own child.

However, due to premature birth, the child died at birth.

After getting this new child, Ye Wanxin was very happy, and treated her as if she had already been born, so Yun Qinian came into being later.

In other words, Yun Qinian was not Ye Wanxin's biological child at all, but Huangfuyu's daughter.

That is, the orthodox one, the successor head of the Huangfu family.

After hearing the news, she originally thought that Gu Jingchen would be very surprised.

But Yun Qinian didn't see any surprise on his face.

Her brow furrowed deeply.

"Did you already know about this?"

Gu Jingchen thought for a while, but didn't hide anything.


Cloud seven thoughts and one stagnation.

An inexplicable anger welled up in his chest.

She quickly walked up to Gu Jingchen, and asked angrily, "Since you already knew, why didn't you tell me?"

Gu Jingchen looked at her deeply.

She didn't show any sign of guilt because of her anger.

He said in a deep voice, "I thought you wouldn't want to know the truth too much."

Yun Qinian: "..."

The man sighed, raised his hand to stroke her hair, and said, "Nian Nian, I know what you're thinking. To tell you the truth, I was no less shocked than you when I heard the news."

"I also thought about telling you, but what happened after I told you? I don't know if it's good or bad for you."

"I also prevented you from communicating with Murong Chi, just to bury this secret forever."

"I don't care what your identity is, which family heir you are, I just want you to be happy and live a simple and happy life. I know you don't like those things, and you are not a person who likes to fight for power in your bones. Back to You won't be happy in that place."

(End of this chapter)

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