Chapter 616 Random thoughts

If it was in the past, she might not care about anything and directly kill the Huangfu family to end this matter.

Anyway, she doesn't care about being the head of the Huangfu family.

They didn't want her to go back, and she wasn't willing to go back yet.

But now, after all, she is no longer the self she used to be, not so impulsive, nor so willful, and she will think more.

Even if she has no interest in being the Patriarch of the Huangfu Family and doesn't want to be that Patriarch, will others think the same as her?
After living two lifetimes, she is no longer the simple Yun Qinian she used to be.

She also knew that the world, especially people's hearts, was far from being as beautiful and simple as she imagined.

Maybe her going, not only did not dispel other people's concerns, but put herself in a very passive position.

Not even the last bit of advantage.

She is now much more mature than before.

Naturally, it will not be so simple to solve things.

Yun Qinian was lying there thinking wildly.

The bathroom door was suddenly knocked from outside.

She froze for a moment, then heard a man's voice coming from outside.

"Don't think about it, let's talk after taking a shower."

Yun Qinian was startled for a moment, and it took a few seconds for him to realize that he was talking to himself.

He couldn't help sticking out his tongue, feeling a guilty conscience of being caught.

This man is really, like a fine man.

How did he know that he was thinking wildly here?
However, after a meal of slander, Yun Qinian actually felt a little sweet in her heart.

After all, the reason why this man is like this is because he knows her too well.

And the reason why he knows her so well is that one can imagine how much thought he had spent on her before.

Yun Qinian is not a person who doesn't know good and bad, so naturally he wants to accept his kindness.

Thinking of it this way, she really didn't think much about it.

After taking a shower, I put on my clothes and went outside.

At this time, in the bedroom.

Gu Jingchen was sitting there with a laptop in his hand, as if he was watching something.

Seeing him coming out, he waved to her and said, "Come here."

Yun Qinian walked over curiously and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Gu Jingchen tilted the screen of the computer in his hand towards her, and said, "Look at this."

Yun Qinian leaned over to take a look, a little surprised.

I saw that it turned out to be some information about the Huangfu family.

Yun Qinian looked at him in surprise, and asked, "How did you get these things?"

You must know that the above information is detailed, and some things have not even been heard of by an intelligence hunter like her.

Gu Jingchen was able to obtain these materials in such a short time, does it mean that...

Thinking of certain possibilities, she couldn't help but frown, with a trace of suspicion in her eyes.

Of course Gu Jingchen knew what she was thinking, and raised his hand to stroke her head.

A little funny and said: "Don't think too much, didn't I tell you? I knew your true identity a long time ago."

"So in fact, since then, I have been secretly investigating the inside of the Huangfu family."

"Now that you know the truth, I naturally want to tell you these things."

When Yun Qinian heard the words, she suddenly realized.

She hummed and glanced at her, and said, "You're smart."

Gu Jingchen rubbed her hair a little funny.

He said to her: "The current head of the Huangfu family is the previous niece, that is, your mother's cousin."

(End of this chapter)

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