After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 620 Don't Eat That Set

Chapter 620 Don't Eat That Set
Huangfu Qiuya's face turned pale, she quickly explained.

"No, the truth of the matter is not what you heard."

"At the beginning, I did send someone to look for you, but my purpose was not to kill you or let you die, but to fear that you would fall into the hands of the enemy if you wandered outside."

"The order I clearly conveyed is to ensure your safety and bring you back."

"But those people betrayed me. They listened to the words of the Great Elder at the time and tampered with my order."

"It turns protecting you into chasing and killing you, which is why there will be misunderstandings later."

"Nian Nian, you believe me, I really didn't mean to do that."

Yun Qinian had no expression on her face, and she didn't even give her a single glance during the whole process.

In her opinion, ignoring such a person is already the greatest contempt.

Sure enough, seeing that she ignored her, Huangfu Qiuya became anxious.

She suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Yun Qinian's arm, and said anxiously: "Niannian, what do you have to do to believe me? I didn't mean to harm you at the beginning, not before, not in the future! Why can't you believe it?" What about me once?"

What Yun Qinian hated the most in her life was being dragged to talk like this.

She threw Huangfu Qiuya away immediately, and said coldly: "Sorry, your trust level with me has never existed before, so why should I trust you?"

Although she flicked it, the strength she used was not particularly strong.

But because Huangfu Qiuya is a sick person, her current body is already weak.

In addition, I was in a hurry just now and didn't stand firmly, so I staggered a few steps and fell backwards.

Fortunately, the servant who came with her caught her in time, so that she didn't fall to the ground.

The servant looked at her pale face and asked anxiously, "Miss, how are you? Are you okay?"

Huangfu Qiuya didn't speak, but looked at Yun Qinian sadly.

It seemed that her refusal had hurt her so much.

Yun Qinian was not only not moved by her self-indulgent feelings, but also very disgusted.

It seems that a person who is nothing is kidnapping you morally.

However, although she thought so, the servant who came with Huangfu Qiuya didn't think so.

After she supported Huangfu Qiuya to stand firm, she said angrily to Yun Qinian: "Bold! How can you speak to our eldest lady like that? Don't you know she is your aunt?"

Yun Qinian glanced at the servant coldly.

Although it was just a fluttering look in her eyes, it was like a steel needle, piercing her there all at once.

The servant moved his lips, and wanted to say two more harsh words.

But because of the murderous look in her eyes, the following words were suddenly blocked in her throat, and she couldn't say a word.

She couldn't speak, but Yun Qinian could.

She sneered, and said unceremoniously: "If you came here today just to direct and act here, to be arrogant, to use your status as a so-called elder to suppress me, then you can go back, I can Let me tell you bluntly, it’s useless, I don’t like this.”


The maid was very angry.

Huangfu Qiuya raised her hand to stop her words.

She looked at Yun Qinian, that delicate face had already lost any color.

She said affectionately: "Nian Nian, I know, I was sorry for you in the past."

(End of this chapter)

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