Chapter 625 Kidnapped
The other party is not an unreasonable person, and one can tell by their expressions that something big has happened.

Immediately, he stopped pestering Gu Jingchen and said, "Okay, if you need help, just ask. Gu, we are good friends forever."

Gu Jingchen nodded, not in the mood to talk to them anymore.

Turning around, she took Yun Qinian and left.

After the two left the box, Gu Jingchen directly asked her to take him to the toilet where they went just now.

At this time, there was no one in the toilet.

Because the waiter Yun Qinian was looking for just now also knew his identity.

As soon as she heard that her baby was missing, she knew it was a big deal.

Immediately reported above.

The manager of the hotel is also a smart person. This incident happened in their hotel. If it is really going to be pursued, they will bear the blame.

Therefore, he panicked for a moment, and quickly blocked the toilet, how could he dare to let anyone in again?
Now he just wants to find that child as soon as possible.

Otherwise, not to mention their hotel, even their lives might be lost.

At this time, the hotel manager was standing at the door of the toilet.

Seeing Yun Qinian and Gu Jingchen coming together, she hurried towards them.

He anxiously shouted: "Mr. Gu, Mrs. Gu, you are finally here."

Gu Jingchen was not in the mood to talk so much nonsense with him at this time, and asked directly: "How many exits are there here?"

The manager was taken aback, and quickly replied: "There are three in total. Mrs. Gu was the first one just now, and there are two exits behind, one is for employees, and the other is an escape exit for fire prevention."

"No one usually walks around there, and the door is often closed, so it shouldn't be..."

As soon as the voice fell, a waiter hurried over and said, "Manager, I just went over there to check, and the door to the escape exit has been opened."

When everyone heard this, their faces changed.

The expressions of Yun Qinian and Gu Jingchen also changed.

Needless to say, I also know that the other party has a high probability of running away from that place.

Yun Qinian knew Ke Ke well, knew that he was a caring and sensible child, and also very smart.

If it wasn't for some special circumstances, it would be impossible to leave her alone and run out.

There is a high probability that he was kidnapped.

At this point, the manager was so frightened that he was about to cry.

He said repeatedly: "Mr. Gu, Mrs. Gu, I really don't know why this happened. The law and order in our hotel has always been very good. I have never heard of a kidnapping case before."

"This escape route was built because of fear of fire. I never expected it to be used by gangsters. could it be?"

Compared to the panic of the manager, Gu Jingchen and Yun Qinian seemed calmer.

Both of them are people who have been through many storms.

Knowing that the other party just took Ke Ke away without hurting him on the spot, this shows that the other party came with a purpose.

Perhaps their target is not Coco, but Yun Qinian and Gu Jingchen.

That being the case, there is nothing to fear in this matter.

Thinking of this, Gu Jingchen asked, "Where is the monitoring? Is there monitoring on the escape route?"

The hotel manager suddenly understood and nodded quickly.

"Yes, I'll send someone to adjust it right away."

As he said that, he quickly asked someone to adjust the monitoring.

Because people were taken away in the toilet, the toilet must not be monitored.

(End of this chapter)

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