Chapter 627 Last Chance

"Mr. Gu, long time no see."

Gu Jingchen asked coldly: "Who are you?"

"Me? I'm someone you've been looking for, but can't find."

Gu Jingchen was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously glanced at Yun Qinian next to him.

Because he didn't turn on the speakerphone, Yun Qinian didn't know who was on the phone or what they were talking about.

Seeing him looking at him, he thought the other party had said something extraordinary.

So with a questioning gaze, he asked with his mouth: "What's the matter?"

Gu Jingchen didn't say anything, but signaled himself to go out to pick it up.

Then he turned around and walked out.

Seeing that he went out out of nowhere, Yun Qinian felt even more puzzled.

But at this time, she didn't think about anything else, and focused on Coco's whereabouts wholeheartedly.

Just at this time, Yu Chuan called.

Probably because he called Gu Jingchen just now and found that he was on the phone, so he called Yun Qinian.

Yun Qinian didn't care about Gu Jingchen anymore.

He quickly picked up the phone and asked, "How is it? Do you have any clues?"

Yu Chuan said: "I found out. The surveillance shows that they should be heading towards the western suburbs now. I have already sent people to drive there. As long as there is news about Zhang Lu, it will be passed on immediately."

Western suburbs?

Yun Qinian's heart sank slightly.

If she remembered correctly, there should be a village in the city in the western suburbs.

Both the building and the terrain are very complicated, and there are all kinds of people coming and going.

Going to such a place is like finding a needle in a haystack. How easy is it to find someone?

But now that she has clues, she will not be discouraged.

After ordering Yu Chuan to continue the investigation, he asked the people in the hotel to tell Gu Jingchen later, and left first.

Here, Gu Jingchen is still answering the phone.

His handsome face sank slightly, and he asked, "Is that you?"

The voice on the other side was hoarse like an ancient bark grinding on the table.

He said with a faint smile: "It's me. I didn't expect that I would call you at this juncture. Does the feeling of losing your son make you feel bad?"

"How about we make a deal now?"

Gu Jingchen said coldly: "Where is Keke? I'll give you a chance. Send him back. I can forget about the past."

The other side paused, then laughed.

"Gu Jingchen! Do you really think that you are still that high-ranking deacon? Wake up. The world has changed a long time ago! Since the last young master disappeared more than 20 years ago, the Xuanyuan family has passed down the rules for thousands of years, and it has long been unworkable .”

"The Lord of the Dragon Scales is no longer in the world, so what use is there for you as a big deacon? It's just a useless piece of chess, a piece of trash with a reputation but no real power."

"Do you really think that you have a chance to come back? Do you really think you can come back?"

Gu Jingchen clenched his fingers tightly, and the back of his hand was full of veins.

He gritted his teeth and said, "What exactly do you want?"

The other party sneered and said: "We have introduced a new candidate for the patriarch, and now we only need the dragon talisman in your hand. As long as you promise me to bring the dragon talisman back, we will let the new team leader we selected succeed in the position. How about letting your son go?"

Gu Jingchen said coldly: "You do this. You betray the Xuanyuan family and the mission that the family has passed down for thousands of years."

(End of this chapter)

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