Chapter 632 Xuanyuan Family
Instead, it was easy to accept this fact.

But this calmness is only temporary.

Soon, Yun Qinian realized something was wrong.

Because after this group of people got out of the car, when they saw that the other party was also in this place, there were not many surprises.

Instead, they exchanged a few tacit greetings.

It's as if they all know a certain thing in unison, and only you don't know it.

This feeling is really bad.

Yun Qinian's face had become very ugly at this moment.

However, Huangfu Qiuya was still at this time, embellishing her.

She said: "You must be very curious, what happened tonight? Don't worry, and don't be angry."

"Because in this world, many times deceit is not necessarily out of malice, it is very likely that it is just out of pure love."

Her voice is very gentle, very light.

Yun Qinian was extremely irritable when she heard it.


She doesn't know anything yet, how could she have something to do with love, deception, and so on?
What exactly is going on?

Probably seeing the irritability and dissatisfaction in her heart, Huangfu Qiuya didn't say any more.

He just said lightly: "They went in, let's go in too."

After speaking, he told the driver to drive.

The place is not so much a building as it is a gigantic pier.

After a group of vehicles passed through the building, they arrived at the edge of the pier.

Ferries have already been placed beside these piers, and a huge cruise ship is parked on the sea.

The splendor on the cruise ship forms a huge contrast with the simplicity on the shore.

Everyone got out of the car and stepped on the ferry to the cruise ship.

After everyone went up, Huangfu Qiuya said: "Let's go up too."

But for some reason, Yun Qinian stopped suddenly.

She looked at the huge cruise ship in front of her, and panic suddenly rose in her heart for no reason.

She pursed her lips and asked, "What is this place?"

Huangfu Qiuya glanced at her, "The Xuanyuan family's secret meeting room."

Xuanyuan family?

What it is?
Yun Qinian had never heard of it before, so she had no idea.

Huangfu Qiuya patiently explained to her: "The Xuanyuan family is an ancient family inherited by the old patriarch Xuanyuan more than a year ago. They have experienced many dynasties, and also experienced a lot of prosperity and suffering."

"With more than 1000 years of precipitation, this ancient family has an unrivaled financial background, and because the selection of each patriarch is objective and fair, it has always been prosperous."

"Those world-wide big families that you usually know, more or less have the shadow of the Xuanyuan family behind them. It can be said that those people are nothing but puppets manipulated by the Xuanyuan family."

"It is also because of this that the position of the patriarch has attracted much attention and coveted. After so many years of debate, after all, it is just for a profit."

After Yun Qinian finished listening, she learned a little about the family.

It's just that I didn't expect that there was such a powerful existence in this world.

She even felt that her world view had been subverted.

After all, she used to think that it was the most powerful thing in the world, but now it suddenly became not so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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