Chapter 636
I saw a face of Chinese and Western mixed race appearing in front of everyone.

The face was very delicate, and the facial features seemed to be carefully carved by skilled craftsmen sent by God.

A pair of deep eyes glowed with a light azure blue, and his hair was slightly curly, showing a sense of nobility like a European medieval prince.

The thin lips were tightly pressed together, giving off a very stubborn feeling.

Yun Qinian's heart skipped a beat.

The sense of familiarity from the inside out is even stronger.

She couldn't help staring at him closely, trying to see something in his eyes.

However, she didn't see anything.

As soon as Xuanyuan Heng appeared, the rest of the people gradually became agitated.

Everyone whispered, obviously shocked.

At this time, someone immediately stood up.

This person is none other than Mr. Ye.

He said coldly: "The Xuanyuan family is an ancient family that has been passed down for thousands of years in the East. Now it is a joke to let a Western thing be its patriarch."

As soon as he said this, others followed suit.

"That's right, and only those with dragon scales can succeed the patriarch. This is the rule passed down by the ancestors. Now you just find someone to take the position. What is that?"

"If it is true that you can take the position without dragon scales, then the blood of the Xuanyuan family is passed down on the people sitting here. Does it mean that everyone has the qualifications to compete for this position?"

"That's right, it's not fair at all!"

The old man was not in a hurry, so he let them argue.

It wasn't until everyone was almost done fighting that he raised his hand slightly to signal everyone to be quiet.

"I know you are very dissatisfied, and this is normal. I am not afraid to tell you the truth. Before today, I was also hesitant. After all, once the rules passed down by the ancestors are broken, I don't need to tell you about the risks behind. I understand."

"But do you know why I decided to do this even though I knew so many risks?"

Everyone fell silent immediately, looking at him puzzled.

The old man sighed, raised his hand and said, "I have prepared something, please take a look."

With that said, the waiter beside him walked to the side and turned on a projector.

Soon, a picture appeared on the projection canvas in front of everyone.

All I saw on the screen was a white-haired old man.

The old man didn't seem to be in a good condition, his old eyes were cloudy, and his speech was weak. He was sitting on the bed, supported by a young man from behind, and said to the camera:

"My Xuanyuan family has been passed down for thousands of years, and now my vitality is exhausted, falling apart, the Lord of Dragon Scales will not come to the world for a long time, and my lifespan is coming to an end, so I can't last long."

"So, I am here to issue an order today. Everyone must listen to me. If a new Dragon Scale Lord cannot be found within three months, the new patriarch will be jointly elected by the elders."

"Everyone must obey the orders of the Presbyterian Council, and must not give birth to a rebellious heart. If anyone violates the order, the Presbyterian Council can deal with it according to family rules."

After the old man finished speaking, he coughed heavily.

Then, he continued: "After the new patriarch succeeds to the throne, the original chief deacon will be abolished. The new chief deacon will be Murong Chi. He will definitely assist the new patriarch in the future. Everyone must listen to him and make no mistakes."

After he finished speaking, the video screen was turned off.

(End of this chapter)

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