Chapter 64 Treating Her
Yun Qinian was taken aback.

Some surprises.

She didn't expect that irresponsible man would teach him these principles.

It seems that he is not completely irresponsible!

Yun Qinian patted his head in relief.

"Okay, since I'm not afraid, you can cheer me up next to me later!"


Soon, Ran Yue came over.

After all, it was the first treatment, and the doctor was Yun Qinian, a "non-professional".

It was obvious how disturbed Ran Yue was.

Seeing Yun Qinian skillfully preparing the tools to be used later, she swallowed nervously.

"Well... can you really do it? If it really doesn't work, I can actually die."

Yun Qinian glanced at her indifferently.

She knew exactly what Ran Yue was thinking.

Don't you just look at her young and don't believe her?
In recent years, this kind of patient Yun Qinian has been seen a lot.

In the past, during the winter and summer vacations every year, apart from going back to the countryside with her grandfather to learn various skills, she also traveled far away with her masters.

It's called traveling, but in fact, it's looking for various patients to treat her and test her learning achievements.

Fortunately, Yun Qinian never disappointed the masters.

Every inspection is super excellent.

Strictly speaking, Ran Yue was the first patient she took over by herself.

She certainly wasn't going to let this first go wrong.

"Don't worry! Even if I can't cure you, I won't cure you. If you really don't believe me, how about I use my face as a guarantee? If the cure fails, you can also scratch my face, and I will accompany you." You are ugly together."

Ran Yue: "..."

She glanced at Yun Qinian's pretty face, and swallowed back what she wanted to say.

"Forget it, anyway, no matter how ugly you are, you can't go anywhere, so let's do it! It's a gamble of life or death."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes tightly, with a look of death.

Yun Qinian was amused by her appearance, wrapped the sterilized coat around her, and then picked up the anesthetic.

"Lie down on the bed, I'm going to anesthetize you."

Ran Yue nodded, and lay down on the bed obediently.

Yun Qinian first gave her anesthesia, and after she completely lost consciousness, she used a knife to uncover the old wounds on her face little by little, and then took out Yushengyan to treat the wounds again.

The whole operation lasted more than three hours.

The little bun has been silently accompanying Yun Qinian.

There was no fear in the dark and round eyes, but more admiration and surprise.

Mommy is amazing!

Not only hacking programs, but also medical skills!

She is simply a treasure mummy!
No wonder Daddy has been hiding her in Pingcheng, not allowing him to see her.

He must know that there are too many excellent things about Mommy, and he is afraid that he will snatch Mommy away if he sees her!

Hmph, what a stinky daddy!

Coco admires Yun Qinian so much.

But here, Yun Qinian has been concentrating on the operation and didn't notice his existence at all.

She is like this, no matter what she does, she will be single-minded.

Once you get into it, it's easy to ignore everything around you.

It was eleven o'clock at night when the operation was completed.

Yun Qinian let out a heavy sigh of relief, moved her neck and arms that were somewhat panting, and called, "Aunt Li."

Aunt Li walked in from the door, looking at everything in the room, she was horrified.

Yun Qinian ordered: "Help me clean up here, don't touch her for now, she needs to sleep for a while."

Aunt Li asked in horror: "Madam, this..."

Yun Qinian glanced at her.

"Don't ask too much, I will explain to you later."

Aunt Li could only bow her head and answer, "Yes."

Yun Qinian was so tired that she was covered in stinky sweat, so she went to take a shower first as usual.

When she came out, she saw one big and one small sitting on the sofa in the living room, staring at her strangely.

Yun Qinian smiled and walked over.

"Why are you so serious? Do you want to ask me something?"

Xiaotuanzi glanced at Aunt Li.

Aunt Li said, "Ma'am, I have something to ask you."

Yun Qinian took a glass of water and drank it, raising her eyebrows.

"You said."

"When did you learn medicine? Just now, are you really operating on that lady?"

Yun Qinian went to sit opposite her and nodded.

"I'm performing an operation on her, and the operation has been successful. Then I just need to change the dressing regularly. As for when I learned..."

She paused, and replied honestly: "I learned it a long time ago, it's just that you don't know it."

Aunt Li: "..."

It was as if he had received a thunderbolt in his eyes.

Yun Qinian smiled and said: "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, isn't it good that I know medicine? Finally, I don't have to be a waste bag in your eyes, but I can also make everyone look good, right?"

"But, sir, he doesn't know!"

He didn't know, which meant that Yun Qinian was hiding it from him.

If the husband knows, he will definitely be angry!

Yun Qinian lowered her eyelashes slightly, and said softly, "He will know sooner or later, but not now."

Although she didn't understand why grandpa didn't let himself expose what he had learned.

But my grandfather's approach must have his reasons.

Maybe when grandpa tells her the reason, it's time to tell Gu Jingchen everything.

Yun Qinian stood up.

"Do you have any questions?"

Aunt Li quickly said: "I have to report this matter to my husband."

Yun Qinian smiled lightly and glanced at her, her eyes were a little cold.

"Okay, you tell him, and then let him know that I have a lot of secrets from him, let him come to me to quarrel, and then divorce, is this what you want to see?"


Aunt Li was at a loss for words.

How much Gu Jingchen loves Yun Qinian, she knows better than anyone else.

Let them divorce, that is absolutely impossible!
But if she didn't say it, wouldn't she also become Mr. Betrayal?
At this time, Ke Ke suddenly spoke.

"Our teacher once said that when others don't ask, if you don't say it, it doesn't mean you are lying. Auntie Nian, is our teacher right?"

Yun Qinian nodded with a smile.

"That's right, Ke Ke's teacher is really smart, almost as smart as Ke Ke."

Coco rolled her eyes and smiled.

Aunt Li secretly slandered, which teacher of yours said this?

Those foreign teachers with high noses and yellow hair can't even speak fluent Chinese, but they can still explain such a big truth, who would believe it?

However, Ke Ke has already let her go down the steps, so she naturally wants to go down the donkey.

Otherwise, wouldn't Yun Qinian and Gu Jingchen be allowed to quarrel and get divorced?

Aunt Li said aggrievedly: "That's fine, since Mr. didn't ask, I won't talk about it."

Yun Qinian smiled, hugged Xiaotuanzi and walked towards the room.

"It's getting late, let's go back to our room to rest."

Aunt Li said "ah", "But she hasn't woken up yet."

"Wake up soon."

When Yun Qinian said he was about to wake up, he really was about to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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