Chapter 641 Another Video
After a while, he slapped the table hard, and said in a deep voice: "The meeting is suspended, I have to deal with some things first, everyone, please go easy."

After speaking, he strode out.

The two people who followed him naturally walked out together.

After they all left, the rest of the meeting room looked at each other and glanced at each other.

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on Gu Jingchen who was sitting at the top.

Gu Jingchen looked calm.

It's just that there is still a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

No one knew, but Yun Qinian had already discovered her existence as early as when Yun Qinian first came in.

Because he discovered her existence, he deliberately stimulated the elder, making him show his flaws, and he took the initiative to confess the fact that Ke Ke was hiding nearby.

In fact, it was just that he was sending a message to Yun Qinian in disguise, asking her to save someone.

Sure enough, this woman never let him down.

Yun Qinian saved Ke Ke, so that they didn't have his weakness and leverage in their hands, so he could do the next thing without any scruples.

Thinking of this, Gu Jingchen stood up.

"Although the Great Elder has left, I personally feel that today's meeting is not over."

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

I don't know what he wants to say.

Murong Chi also looked up at him.

There are many emotions hidden in the deep eyes.

I just heard Gu Jingchen say: "Everyone has watched the video just now. In the video, the old patriarch gave a series of last words. It was based on this video that the Great Elder gave up looking for the one with dragon scales and set up Xuanyuan Always be the patriarch."

"It stands to reason that his arrangement is reasonable. After all, a country cannot be without a king for a day, and the Xuanyuan family is a huge family here. It is impossible to let a few elders act as agents all the time, and there will be no new patriarch for a long time. .”

"It's really a coincidence. There is a video at the Great Elder's place, and I also have a video here. After everyone has watched the Great Elder's video, why don't you also enjoy the video in my hand."

As he spoke, he winked at Yu Chuan who was following behind.

Yu Chuan understood, stepped forward immediately, and played the video he had prepared a long time ago.

On the curtain ahead, the figure of the old patriarch Xuanyuan suddenly appeared.

It's just that it's different from the frail look of the great elder in the video. The old patriarch in the video looks in a relatively good state of mind. Although his deep eyes are full of traces of years of wind and frost, he still looks hale and hearty and radiant.

I saw that he also said a long series of words to the video.

The first part was an explanation of the various affairs of the family, and it was not until the end that it was said that the position of patriarch must be handed over only after the dragon-scaled person appeared.

Otherwise, family affairs are jointly represented by several elders and the chief deacon.

The one with dragon scales is the foundation of the Xuanyuan family, and his status must not be shaken, nor can it be changed at will.

Moreover, the will he made is only this one, and if he makes another will later, it will be a helpless act under special circumstances, and it will not be counted.

Once the video was broadcast, it immediately caused an uproar.

What surprised everyone was not what he said earlier.

Instead, he said that all the wills after this video are helpless acts under special circumstances.

That is to say, the paragraph that the Great Elder just took out doesn't count?
(End of this chapter)

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