Chapter 645
"Who says she has no evidence?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Yun Qinian walking in directly from the door, holding Ke Ke.

Everyone couldn't help frowning.

The Great Elder lowered his brows, exuding a fierce aura from his whole body.

He said angrily, "You still dare to be here! Someone, coax her out!"

The bodyguard who had been guarding the door rushed in immediately.

One left and one right, wanting to pull Yun Qinian out.

However, before they touched Yun Qinian's hand, they heard two other more majestic voices.

"You dare!"

"Who dares to touch them?"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw that it was Mr. Ye and Gu Jingchen.

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows.

There was a faint smirk on the corner of his mouth.

She chuckled softly and said, "Is the great elder in a hurry? Are you afraid that I will say something that you don't want everyone to hear? It's a pity that there are some things that you can't stop if you want to. I have to say it today." .”

So, she told everyone the results of her previous investigation.

Yes, as early as Yun Qinian knew that he was from the Huangfu family and knew about his parents, he sent Dahei to investigate the matter.

Moreover, she also found evidence that Huangfu Qiuya didn't really want to hurt herself.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to follow Huangfu Qiuya here today, and she would not believe what she said.

After all, she is not some silly white sweet who doesn't know anything.

Huangfu Qiuya's identity is opposite to her identity itself.

Whether it's because of the past or the current situation.

If she hadn't confirmed that Huangfu Qiuya was not a threat to her, she would not have trusted him at all.

She said calmly: "You think that what you did was perfect, but you never imagined that among the group of dead men who were silenced by you back then, one of them had the idea of ​​fear of death before he died."

"After all, ants are still alive, let alone people? Therefore, he replaced the poison you gave them with other medicines. After pretending to be dead, he escaped by using some means. Since then, he has left the country, changed his appearance, and started a new life. Life."

"It just so happened that a friend of mine found this person recently, and this is all the conversations he explained."

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and clicked on a recording.

Just listen to the recording, which is the confession of the dead man about what he did that year.

Of course, since the other party was able to be selected as a dead man back then, he had to go through some tests.

So it was not easy for Dahei to let him confide those things.

But for people like Yun Qinian and the others, if you don't tell them, you may not be able to find this person.

As long as you find this person, as a human being, there are always weaknesses.

As long as you grasp this weakness, you can basically hit the target with every shot.

After listening to the person in the recording, he explained clearly what he had done before, and then pointed out: "Of course it was Xuanyuan Linzhi, the great elder of the Xuanyuan family, who ordered us to do this! He has long been dissatisfied with the lineage of the main family. Now, as the heir of the Xuanyuan family, he would fall in love with the daughter of the Huangfu family."

"This is a big taboo in the clan! It's breaking the rules! That's why he ordered us to tamper with Huangfu Qiuya's order and change protection into killing."

"It's a pity that we only forced the woman and the child to jump into the river, but didn't find their bodies, so we don't know if they are dead or not."

(End of this chapter)

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