Chapter 71
He said angrily: "I said that I don't need to hype, why don't you understand? I, Xu Jiamu, don't need to step on a woman to climb up!"

The manager, Miss Tong, was unmoved, and sat on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, as if she hadn't heard it at all.

Xu Jiamu was so angry that he patted the table.

"Did you hear that? Change the password back for me immediately!"

Sister Tong finally looked up at him.

Glancing at his hand, he said calmly: "Pat lightly, the newly bought sandalwood table is very expensive."

Xu Jiamu: "..."

"Okay! You don't want to change it, do you? Believe it or not, I'll go to the street right away and announce your actions to the world! Let's see if they scold Niannian or you!"

Sister Tong smiled, "Okay, you go, it just so happens that you don't have much exposure recently, #When红影帝暴病病大旅市市#, this title should attract a lot of traffic, so it can be used as a way to save the company's publicity fees. "

Xu Jiamu: "..."

No, he was about to cry out of anger.

"Chen Zitong, do you have a conscience? I'm so anxious that you still have the heart to joke?"

"I'm not kidding."

Miss Tong's expression suddenly turned cold, and she looked at him coldly.

"Xu Jiamu, I picked you up in my arms, and I wish you the best more than anyone else, but if you insist on committing suicide, then you can't blame others.

The entertainment industry is a place where there are too many monks and too little food. Even if you quit the industry today, it will not affect others.

The sun will rise as usual, and there will still be new talented people in the circle.

Even your fans, how long do you think they will be sad for you?

I'm afraid you'll be dazzled by other young brothers who have just debuted before you finish your circle here.

So sometimes don't take yourself too seriously, and don't think that you can get everything you have now just by strength.

Remember, strength is always the icing on the cake. In this circle, traffic is king! "

Xu Jiamu was startled.

It never occurred to her that she would say such a remark.

Humiliation welled up in his heart, he gritted his teeth and asked, "So that's why you hurt her?"

Sister Tong raised her eyebrows, and a playfulness flashed in her eyes.

"We don't have the ability to hurt her. Here, you can see for yourself."

As she spoke, she threw the phone in front of Xu Jiamu.

Xu Jiamu was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously picked it up and looked at it.

But found that there is a Weibo page on the mobile phone, which shows that the server has failed and cannot be refreshed?

what happened?

Weibo server crashed again?

He remembered that he had scandals a few times before, but there was no such big movement. Why is it so exaggerated this time?

Could it be that he has been in seclusion for a year, and it has made him even more popular?

Xu Jiamu couldn't figure it out, but Sister Tong said softly, "Don't study it, it's not a normal server crash.

I just asked the staff over there. Someone hacked their backstage half an hour ago, not only deleted all the black material about Yun Qinian, but also canceled most of the accounts that insulted her. Now there staff are in emergency repairs. "

Xu Jiamu stood there dumbfounded.

"Also, is there such a thing?"

"So now you know, why didn't I let you make a statement?"

Xu Jiamu frowned and shook his head.

"not understand."

Miss Tong sighed helplessly.

"First, as a newcomer, she won the heroine status of Lin Senwei's works in one fell swoop, and now she has someone hack the server of Weibo. If you say that she has no backer, no ghost will believe it.

Now that they're all looking for a backstage, she probably won't mind if there's a scandal with the male actor in the same crew, or something to stir up heat or something! "

Xu Jiamu was stunned.

He never imagined that there is such a logic in this world.

People have backstage = people want to hype?
If you want to hype, what kind of Weibo server is hacked? !
Xu Jiamu felt that his manager was mentally ill.

Want traffic like crazy!
He said coldly: "I can't help you if you want to think so, but let me tell you, as far as I have seen with my own eyes, Nian Nian is definitely not the kind of woman who cares about fame and wealth!
So I don't want this to happen again in the future!Otherwise, even if you are my bole, I have no interest in being that thousand-mile horse anymore! "

After he finished speaking, he turned and strode away.

Seeing his leaving back, Miss Tong frowned slightly.

Immediately, he snorted softly.

This silly boy, does he really take himself seriously?
Without the support of the company, does he really think that he can become the current top class just because of his bravery?

I just don't know what is good or bad!
Sister Tong didn't bother to talk to him, so she just sat down, turned on the computer and started searching for information about Yun Qinian.

This girl is not simple!

He has both background and good looks. Hearing from the people in the "Sound of Nature" program group, his strength is also quite good.

If it can be pulled over and packaged again, maybe it will become the next top class!

At this time, Yun Dingliu Qi Nian was conscientiously filming in the crew.

Lin Senwei is very satisfied with her performance, almost every scene is a fault.

Gradually, Yun Qinian got the nickname Yun Yitiao in the crew.

This afternoon, Yun Qinian managed to finish filming a fierce fighting scene, and was about to eat, when he saw a few girls surrounded by the roadside gossiping about something in a low voice.

With the mentality of eating melons, she got a little closer.

"She is a person who can be a heroine when she debuts. Can she be the same as us little ones? Even Director Lin praises her a lot! Isn't it so easy to have a mistake?"

"That's right, I don't know what kind of luck she has had. Not only Xu Jiamu treats her well, but Director Lin also likes her. I really feel angry just thinking about it."

"What kind of luck is it? It's just that there are people behind it."

"What do you mean? What do you know from hearing your words?"

The girl who spoke glanced left and right to make sure there was no one around, then lowered her voice and said, "You guys know about the Weibo server crashing, right?"

The rest nodded.

"I know! If you want to say that Xu Jiamu is the best, the server has been crashed because of rumors, I think he is the most popular player this year."

The girl snorted disdainfully.

"What top stream? The reason why the Weibo server is down is none of his business!"

"Huh? Then whose business is it?"

"Yun Qinian! I just received gossip. This morning was when Yun Qinian was the most ruthless on the Internet. The backstage of Weibo was suddenly hacked. Then all the leaking posts about Yun Qinian and hackers All her accounts have been deleted, if you don’t believe me, you can log on to Weibo to see if you can still find those black materials.”

When several people heard the words, they didn't believe it, and quickly took out their mobile phones to search.

It's okay if you don't look for it, but after looking for it, I found that the previous posts of Heiyun Qinian had disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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