Chapter 76 Reluctance
The security guard shook his head and left.

But here, Ning Xi and Xiao Lu were frightened out of their wits, and they dared not live in the hotel room anymore, for fear that there might be leftover bugs and ants that would not be caught cleanly.

Ning Xi also has the temperament of a rich lady, she would never sleep on the bed touched by the snake again.

Therefore, the two had to stay in another hotel in the middle of the night.

It's a pity that now is the peak season of the film and television city, not only the hotel she is staying in now, but all the nearby hotels are fully booked.

In the end, the two had to make do with one night in the nanny's car.

This time, the other side.

Yun Qinian successfully took revenge on Ning Xi, and then went to the hospital.

Ke Ke is still in the hospital, she is worried and has to go and watch.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the hospital, he saw a black luxury car parked at the door, and a man in a black suit was walking towards the car with Coco in his arms.

Seeing her, Coco greeted her excitedly.

"Miss Auntie!"

Yun Qinian walked over quickly.

"What's going on? Where are you taking him?"

Aunt Li hurriedly came out from behind, and said with a smile: "Madam, it's like this, Ke Ke's father just contacted us and said that he knew that Ke Ke was sick, so he wanted to send someone to take him back. These are the ones they sent people."

As Aunt Li spoke, she pointed to several men in black suits next to her.

One of them came out and said with a polite smile, "This is Ms. Yun, isn't it? Thanks to your care during this time, this is a little thought from our husband, please accept it."

As he spoke, he took out a 100 million check from his pocket.

This was what Yun Qinian asked the other party, Lion, for it, but the other party did not break his promise.

But Yun Qinian felt inexplicably angry.

She didn't know why she was angry, it was only natural that her father came to pick him up.

But she is angry.

Angry at their attitude, angry at them for not really caring about their children at all!

Yun Qinian said with a cold face: "I didn't care about the child before, but now I think of caring? Keke has asthma, why didn't you tell me clearly in advance?
If something really happened to him this time, can you take the responsibility?

Since his unconscionable father doesn't want to control him, he should just leave him alone, and now he wants to pick him up halfway, he really thinks that the child is like a ball, if you want it, you can leave it if you want it ah? "

Several people were dumbfounded by her fierceness, and they were a little confused.

Only Aunt Li keenly noticed the redness and moisture in the corner of Yun Qinian's eyes.

Ma'am, is this... reluctant?
Coco was also a little scared by her fierceness.

Thinking that Daddy is still his own Daddy after all, Mommy can't keep misunderstood like this.

If you misunderstand to the point that you don't let yourself and daddy go, then you'll be in trouble.

So, he quickly stretched out his soft little hand to wipe her tears.

"Auntie Niannian, don't cry. Keke is going back to get medical treatment this time. When Keke recovers, I will come to see you, okay?"

At that time, I will be able to call you Mommy.

Coco thought happily in her heart.

But Yun Qinian didn't follow his tactics at all, and just snatched the child from the opponent's hand.

She frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Is it necessary to treat the disease? Since his father is not responsible, leave this matter to me. Don't worry, I promise to return you a healthy cocoa in a month's time." , don’t need to worry about his silly X father.”

Several men in suits were dumbfounded.

This, what is the direction of the plot development?
Didn't you say that your wife doesn't like children?Why don't you let go of the child now?
Yun Qinian didn't care about their thoughts at all, and said to Ke Ke: "Little guy, be obedient and stay by my side, and I promise to cure your illness."

Cocoa is a bit difficult.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Mommy, but that his disease is really difficult to cure!

In the past, Daddy hired a lot of powerful doctors, but there was nothing he could do.

If Mommy can't be cured by then, won't she be very sad and blame herself?

Thinking of this, Ke Ke shook her head quickly.

"No need, my daddy hired a famous doctor for me, he said that person can definitely cure me, I'd better go back to daddy to treat me! Auntie Nian Nian, thank you for your kindness, I will come to you when I am cured play."

Yun Qinian's heart tightened.

Seeing Ke Ke's serious and sensible appearance, he was even more reluctant.

But since he's talked about this, and it's not his own child, Yun Qinian has no position to keep him.

Therefore, in the end, he had to return him to the other party with a red nose.

"Okay! If this is the case, then you go back first. If your stinky old man bullies you again, you can call me and I will help you clean him up."

Coco narrowed his eyes and smirked.

"Okay, okay, when the time comes, I'll ask Aunt Niannian to clean him up for me. I'm sure he will be very happy."

Yun Qinian was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this was a bit strange.

But before she could think about it, the men in suits nodded slightly to her and said, "In that case, Miss Yun, let's go first."

Yun Qinian snorted coldly, turned her head aside, and ignored them.

The other party didn't care about it, and got into the car with Xiaotuanzi in his arms.

After the car started, she still couldn't bear it and turned around.

He saw Xiaotuanzi sitting in the car with his head out the window, waving desperately at her.

She couldn't help smiling, and raised her hand as a goodbye gesture.

The car sped away.

After Xiao Tuanzi left, Yun Qinian returned to the hotel, looking at the empty room, she felt as if there was a piece of emptiness in her heart.

Every time I came back, I could see Xiaotuanzi sitting on the sofa waiting for her.

Either laugh or make trouble, or be mischievous, or tell her a joke thoughtfully.

But this time back, no.

The room was deserted, as if the dead lived there, without any vitality.

Aunt Li saw that she was in a low mood and was a little happy in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it on her face.

She only comforted in a gentle voice: "Madam, since you like children so much, why don't you have a baby with your husband. When you have your own children in the future, they will be as smart and cute as Ke Ke."

Yun Qinian was taken aback.

Only then did she remember that she forgot about it.

During this time, something was always wrong with Gu Jingchen, and she never knew why.

Originally, I wanted to call at night to ask, but I was delayed by Keke at night, so I forgot.

So, she quickly took out her mobile phone and looked at the time. It turned out to be eleven o'clock at night.

I don't know if Gu Jingchen is asleep at this time.

After thinking about it, Yun Qinian tentatively dialed his number.

The other side rang twice and was picked up.

Looks like he hasn't slept yet.

Yun Qinian breathed a sigh of relief, changed her mood and asked, "Husband, what are you doing? Haven't you slept yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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