Chapter 84
How can this be tolerated?

Without saying a word, Ruan Yuzhen contacted the public relations master she knew well to do emergency public relations for Yun Qinian.

Unexpectedly, before he got in touch, he saw the video sent by Yun Qianyu over there.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but it's even more annoying if you look at it.

How dare you insinuate that my daughter is messing with men and women?

Also said that I was a daughter who bullied you?
OK!Since you want to say that, then don't bully and bully you, I'm sorry for your slander!
Ruan Yuzhen has a bad temper, and she used to dislike Yun Fan pampering Yun Qianyu and ignoring Yun Qinian.

Now that everyone is coming up on Yun Qinian's head, how can she just sit idly by?

Therefore, immediately sent someone to check Yun Qianyu's recent whereabouts.

Unexpectedly, after this investigation, they found Xun Hongbao.

Ruan Yuzhen was stunned when she saw the materials handed over by the people below.

Immediately afterwards, I couldn't help laughing out loud.

How amazing is she to be the cheap daughter of Yunfan's precious baby, she turns out to be a high-ranking product who relies on sleeping with her!
Ruan Yuzhen has been in this circle for most of her life, and she is no stranger to the chaos in the circle.

But I still didn't expect that the daughter of the Yun family would do such a thing.

Sure enough, a stepdaughter is a stepdaughter, no matter how much she raises her, she's still a dog that can't stand on the stage!

Without even thinking about it, Ruan Yuzhen directly contacted several entertainment big Vs and broke the news about it.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Earlier, the popularity of Yun Qianyu's apology video has not subsided. Netizens are sympathizing with her poor status as a wealthy little girl who was bullied by her savage sister.

A photo of her sleeping with her came out later.

The photos were not those taken by Yue Shanshan, but those that Ruan Yuzhen sent someone to collect separately, intimate photos of the two of them entering hotels or KTVs together.

The above is not only going in and out of these ambiguous occasions together, but even some shoulder hugs and touches.Indecent actions such as chest, grabbing, buttocks, etc.

It was obvious at a glance that the two had an improper relationship.

Netizens were stunned when the photos came out.

I never thought that things would turn around so quickly!

Yun Qianyu also panicked.

She never expected that the matter between herself and Xun Hongbao would be exposed.

who did it?

Yun Qianyu was the first to think of Yun Qinian.

After all, apart from Yue Shanshan, only Yun Qinian knew about it.

She must have done this on purpose to get revenge on herself for identifying her man at the night party this time!
Yun Qianyu was so angry that he smashed several bottles of high-end cosmetics.

damn it!Yun Qinian!
He had clearly promised her that he would keep the secret for her, but now he betrayed her!

You wait!I will never let you go!

Thinking of this, Yun Qianyu's eyes hardened, he picked up his phone and made a call.

"Hello, Uncle Su? I've already figured out a way to get brother Su Ze out of prison early. Are you free to come out and meet?"


After half an hour.

Some fancy coffee shop.

Yun Qianyu appeared in the box fully armed.

She is also red now.

It's just that this kind of red is different from the red she imagined.

Not the commendatory red, but black and red.

Now the Internet is full of scolding about her, and even her former fans have lost fans and turned back because of this photo.

Her Weibo was full of smog, and the comments in it were simply unsightly, even more vicious than those who scolded Yun Qinian back then.

This result naturally frustrated Yun Qianyu.

She originally thought that with her work and beauty, she would climb to the top of the entertainment circle step by step and become an existence that everyone looked up to.

Unexpectedly, before she had time to climb the mountain in the entertainment industry, she was ruthlessly tripped and fell to the foot of the mountain.

How can this make her reconciled?

Yun Qianyu took a deep breath, and at this moment, the door was pulled open.

Su Wenzhong's figure appeared at the door.

Naturally, he had seen the news on the Internet, so he looked at Yun Qianyu a little strangely.

"Miss Qianyu, you said that there is a way to get Aze out of prison early, is it true?"

Yun Qianyu didn't miss the look of disdain in his eyes, the hatred in his heart, but a slight smile on his face.

"Of course, Uncle Su, let's sit down and talk."

Su Wenzhong had no choice but to close the door, come in and sit down.

Yun Qianyu said: "Uncle Su, let me tell you the truth. In fact, during this time, I have been helping Brother Su Ze run around, but it has been ineffective. I was also puzzled at the beginning. I don't know what's going on. It was only later that I found out that it was Yun Qinian who was making trouble."

Su Wenzhong was taken aback, "Yun Qinian? How is it possible? Didn't she always like A Ze very much?"

Yun Qianyu sneered.

"Maybe she liked Brother Su Ze before, but that was all in the past. Now she and Gu Jingchen are like glue, and they have a very good relationship. If Uncle Su doesn't believe it, just ask the servants of the Gu family when you have time."

Su Wenzhong's face became very ugly for a moment.

Yun Qianyu said again: "Yun Qinian started messing around and finally gave up. First, he played with brother Su Ze's feelings, then sent him to prison and didn't allow us to release him on bail. This is clearly going to punish brother Su Ze to death! Such a cruel heart Poisonous woman, is Uncle Su going to sit idly by?"

Su Wenzhong sighed.

"What can I do? I used to be able to use the power of the Yun family to make small moves, but now that I have been kicked out by the Yun family, who else will give me face?"

Yun Qianyu sneered and said, "Actually, there is no need for anyone to sell your face. I have already inquired for you. It was Yun Qinian who greeted those people and did not allow them to let Brother Su Ze go. As long as Yun Qinian is gone, I will Let me clear it up for you again, isn't it a matter of minutes to get Brother Su Ze to come out early?"

Su Wenzhong was shocked.

He looked at Yun Qianyu in disbelief.

"what do you mean……"

Yun Qianyu looked stern.

"Uncle Su, in this world, those who are evil are afraid of being ruthless, and those who are ruthless are afraid of death. You are the son of brother Su Ze. If something happens to him in prison, what hope do you have in this life?
On the contrary, if Yun Qinian is gone, the entire Yun family will be mine in the future, and according to my friendship with brother Su Ze, it will not be a matter of a word for you to return to the Yun family.

So, in the end how to choose, you carefully consider it! "

Su Wenzhong's face became ugly for a moment.

He never thought that Yun Qianyu's solution was this.

Kill Yun Qinian?
How can this be?

Leaving aside whether he has the ability, even if Yun Qianyu proposed this idea, he would never agree.

After all, since Yun Qinian died, he would at most return to the Yun family to be a housekeeper.

He would not do it if he wanted to kill someone in the name of a housekeeper!

Seeing that he wasn't tempted, Yun Qianyu cursed inwardly as an idiot, and continued to add fuel.

"To be honest, in fact, I have feelings for brother Su Ze for a long time. It's just that when he was with Yun Qinian, I didn't want to destroy them, so I kept my feelings buried in my heart, and no one said anything."

(End of this chapter)

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