Chapter 86
At this time, Yun Qianyu had just finished meeting Su Wenzhong and returned to the set.

Hearing the director call her, she hurried over.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

"Look at what you've done!"

Lin Senwei couldn't wait to smash his phone on her face, pointed to the picture on it and asked, "What's going on? I don't care who you're messing with, but you have the ability to do it so that no one will know about it!

In this circle, you were caught by others, didn't you deliberately let them punish you?

It's not a big deal for your reputation to be ruined, but what if our crew's reputation suffers along with you?You pay for this loss?When the movie is released, because this will affect the box office, are you responsible? "

Yun Qianyu's face turned pale.

She knew that the matter between herself and Xun Hongbao couldn't be covered, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

As soon as his face collapsed, tears filled his eyes instantly, and he began to plead for mercy.

"Director, I was wrong! I really didn't mean to do this kind of thing. In fact, it's because my family is too partial. I only give any good resources to my sister, but I don't care about me who also loves acting. I also I had no choice but to take the risk, director, please forgive me! I promise I will never do it again!"

Lin Senwei's face was gloomy.

"I forgive you, can the audience forgive you? Okay, you don't need to say more, the role of Li Xue'er is not suitable for you, you should find another job!"

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking to Yun Qianyu.

Yun Qianyu begged for a while, and seeing that Lin Senwei did not intend to change his attitude, he could only wipe away his tears viciously.

"Lin Senwei, you dare to look down on me like that bitch Yun Qinian today, I will definitely impress you in the future! Just wait!"

After speaking, he left angrily.

Lin Senwei sneered disdainfully.

Impress him?

Anyway, he has been in this circle for more than 20 years, and has seen countless people.

What kind of person has potential and what kind of person can't go far at first glance, he can tell at a glance.

For someone like Yun Qianyu, is he worthy of being impressed?

I'm afraid I want to be popular and crazy!
Lin Senwei didn't bother to talk to her, and after Yun Qianyu left, he immediately looked for new actors.

The news that Yun Qianyu was kicked out of the crew disappeared without a trace.

Even Lin Yuan and Yun Fan knew about it.

Lin Yuan was very shocked. After all, changing from the heroine to the third female lead is already depressing enough.

Who would have thought that even the female number three could not be kept now?
what's the problem?

She quickly called Yun Qianyu.

At this time, Yun Qianyu was still living in the hotel outside and did not go home.

It's not that I don't want to go back, but I don't dare to go back.

She knew very well that Yun Fan loved saving face the most, and what happened to Lin Yuan had already made him lose face.

Now that she has been exposed to this kind of scandal again, Yi Yunfan's character will definitely not spare her.

After receiving a call from Lin Yuan, she was very excited as if she had found her backbone in an instant.

"Mom, it's all about that bitch Yun Qinian, who exposed my affair with Xun Hongbao!"

Lin Yuan was shocked.

"It's her again? This damn thing, why does she spoil our good things everywhere?"

Yun Qianyu said aggrievedly: "Aren't you jealous that we have been favored more than her since childhood? But Mom, I have already thought of a way to deal with her!"

Immediately afterwards, she told Lin Yuan about her meeting with Su Wenzhong in the afternoon.

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief after listening.

"That's good, anyway, they are the ones who did the bad things. If it succeeds, we will reap the benefits. If it doesn't work, we can't blame us."

"That's it, Mom, just watch! Yun Qinian won't be proud for long."


the next day.

Because there was a play in the morning, Yun Qinian woke up early on purpose.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to the set, he saw a large group of people surrounded by the door of the dressing room, and there were faint sounds of arguing inside.

She walked over curiously and asked, "What's the matter? What's the noise inside?"

The makeup artist next to her lowered her voice and said, "It's Song Yu'er inside, arguing with a woman who doesn't know where she came from! It seems that someone touched her jewelry, and she suspects that the woman inside took it."

Yun Qinian was taken aback.

Song Yuer is the second female lead in the movie "The Pianist".

Like Ning Xi, she also comes from a wealthy family and has an arrogant temper.

It's just that the nature of playing tickets is different from Ning Xi's. She is quite ambitious about acting.

In her previous life, she won the crown of movie queen, and she fought against Yun Qianyu, who was very popular at that time, and the two fought to the death.

Because Song Yu'er is notoriously unforgiving, she also got the title of "Little Steel Cannon".

Although Yun Qinian didn't have any enmity with her, it wasn't considered acquaintance.

After thinking about it, I decided not to watch the excitement, and turned to another dressing room.

Unexpectedly, before he could take any further steps, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

"You unreasonable little girl, if you talk nonsense and spout blood, believe it or not, I will find someone to tear your mouth open?"

Yun Qinian froze.

Looking back in disbelief.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers happened to be staggered by a gap, and through the wide open door, she saw the middle-aged woman standing there with her hands on her hips at a glance.

Nguyen - Jade - Jane! ! !


Ruan Yuzhen felt that she was really unlucky today.

Originally, she just wanted to quietly come to the set to surprise her precious goddaughter.

Unexpectedly, before the surprise was sent out, a crazy woman suddenly broke in from nowhere and insisted on calling her a thief.

Just kidding, who is she, Ruan Yuzhen?
Born in a famous family, she was raised by a noble family, and became popular all over the world as soon as she debuted. Those who chase her can circle the world three times.

What kind of good things has she not seen?

What rare thing has she never owned?
Use it to steal someone else's?

Just a joke!
Ruan Yuzhen was very angry, so she spoke mercilessly.

"It's just that you, a petty person who has never seen the world, would value a diamond necklace so much, and still steal it? Pooh! I can buy a whole house if I want, so I don't need to steal such a rubbish from you? You I'm afraid it's not lighting the lamp in broad daylight——I'm blind!"


Song Yu'er was also very angry, pointing at her, even her lips were trembling.

"You old shrew! How dare you scold me? Believe it or not, I will ask someone to kick you out immediately?"

"Come on! Come on! If you have the ability, rush away. When I see it, I'm afraid that the person who goes out is not me, but you!"

"Ha!" Song Yuer laughed directly, "Where did you get so much confidence? Oh, I remembered, I haven't seen you on the set, aren't you from our set? Look at your quality, could it be who? An extra performer? Even an extra performer dares to act arrogantly in front of me, you're getting impatient, aren't you?"

Ruan Yuzhen sneered through the sunglasses.

"It's really blind to say you're blind, forget it! I'm too lazy to talk to you, so call your director over!"

(End of this chapter)

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